Every year, my Mom's side of the family, the Burfitts, gather together the second weekend in November in a cabin in North Alabama for a time of fun, food, fellowship, food, and more fun. To me, this weekend signals the start of the holidays. It is one of my favorite times of the year because I get to see loved ones that I don't see often and make more memories with them. We reminisce about our childhoods, learn about our family history (sometimes more than we want to know), play games, watch football, and have enough food to feed four armies. The last few years, we have been blessed with more little ones to join in the tradition and hopefully we are teaching them the importance of taking time out of your daily life to love your family. I love family, I love having a place to let the kids just be kids and being able to kick back and watch them play. Will ran a country mile down the long hallway with his cousins. We went for walks, played in fall leaves, stomped in mud puddles and threw rocks in the lake. My Mom loved spending time with family too and I know she looks down on this weekend each year with a smile.
Can you tell this sweet baby was having fun? Much to my surprise, he didn't even tear up the infamous jigsaw puzzle. I must say that I held my breath all weekend waiting for that to happen.
Friday, December 31, 2010
From a Monkey to a Dragon
WOW! What a difference a year makes.
My little guy has changed and grown so much and is such an amazing blessing.
Halloween 2010
We celebrated Halloween with Amy, Corey, CJ and Luke and had a wonderful time. Will road in his wagon like a pro and although he had no idea what people were giving him, he liked. Luke, on the other hand was an absolute professional trick-or-treater and a joy to be with. He is protective of Will and they love each other so much. I can not imagine what kind of trouble we are in for when Will gets a little older. It was a great night spent with Super Man and a Dragon!
The 1st Birthday Party - September 2010
Will had an amazing first birthday party! We all gathered at our church with a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme and had a wonderful time. Although we spent that morning at the Dr.'s office with a ear infection, the little guy was a trouper! He loves having all of his Grandparents and friends around and Bill and I were blessed to be surrounded by so many people that love our baby. We did miss some friends and family that weren't able to make it (and although I am three months late with the post) here are a few pictures from the event:
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Ok, Ok . . .
I am a rotten blogger. I know. I have missed a lot of milestones over the last two months. The whole reason I write this blog is to chronicle Will's childhood and keep a reminder of where we were and how blessed we are. Well, I laughed out load this morning when I realized that I have missed events such as Will's birthday party, my birthday, Halloween, Thanksgiving, etc. I will try this weekend to get caught up.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Last Friday, I got to go watch my little buddy, my sweet CJ play his first varsity football game. The score didn't come out exactly like I wanted, but you wouldn't have known that from my screaming and yelling in the stands. I am a devoted fan, and a huge fan of my CJ. That boy makes me proud. He got to play the last quarter of the game. I could have burst with excitement when that kid ran out on the field. He was AWESOME
He is a well mannered, kind young man that wants to please and help everyone. He is also a darned good football player (maybe not quite so kind on the field, I wouldn't want to line up against him for sure) and I can't wait to make this an every week event. Not so long ago, he was my "little buddy". He is still my buddy and I couldn't be more thrilled to call him my nephew and my friend.
Tomorrow, I get to do it again. I will be the loud mouth lady in the stands screaming at the Minor Tigers for 4 hours and I can't wait.
He is a well mannered, kind young man that wants to please and help everyone. He is also a darned good football player (maybe not quite so kind on the field, I wouldn't want to line up against him for sure) and I can't wait to make this an every week event. Not so long ago, he was my "little buddy". He is still my buddy and I couldn't be more thrilled to call him my nephew and my friend.
Tomorrow, I get to do it again. I will be the loud mouth lady in the stands screaming at the Minor Tigers for 4 hours and I can't wait.
Papa is 83!
Happy Birthday to the best Papa in the wolrd. On the 23rd of October, we celebrated Bill's Papa's 83rd birthday with lots of family. We had lunch at the Bright Star. Sunday, we all spent the day at Memaw and Papa's continuing the celebration. Papa is an amazing example of a life of Holiness and we love him so much. This last year was trying, but we are claiming healing and fun for Papa's 83rd year of life.
We love you sweet Papa!
Lots and lots going on in the B household. Will went to the Dr. last week for a checkup at 13 months. He was 31.5 inches and 24.5 pounds and doing well, except those dadgum ears. So I took him to the ENT on Monday. It was a slightly traumatic experience for me. He did not want to be there from the second we walked in. To explain just how bad he wanted to leave, he refused to play in the toy room, tore up the papers I had to fill out, stole my pen, wrote on me and him (and maybe the beautiful mural on the wall, although I will not confirm that). We then sat peacefully while Dr. L checked his ear, but when he turned the light on to look in Will's nose . . . MELTDOWN. Then we had a hearing test. The lady talks, Will hears her, turns his head and sees little stuffed animal that claps in a box behind us. Cute, huh. He thought so for about two seconds, then changed his mind and . . .MELTDOWN. This one was complete with pulling my hair. Next, we need to do a pressure test on his ears. This entails a little earplug that makes a little nose. No pain involved. Well, not so much. She put the thing in Will's ear and turned it on and . . . MELTDOWN! REALLY HUGE MELTDOWN complete with climbing onto my head, pinching my arms, pulling my hair. I mean freaking out, people. Well, we left the room of terror, and went back to the exam room and talked to Dr. L, and learned that we will be getting tubes in a few weeks. They tell me it will be "no big deal". They did not go home that night with ink all over them, disheveled hair and bruises from tiny little fingers.
I will say this, he was an angel the rest of the day just like he normally is.
I will say this, he was an angel the rest of the day just like he normally is.
LIFE . . . IS . . . PRECIOUS
That is what is on my heart right now. Last week, someone who was a dear friend of mine years ago, died in a tragic car accident. Our lives went separate paths what seems like a whole lifetime ago, but I have many beautiful memories of silly teenage years, lots of fun, lots of fussing, lots of laughing, lots of goofy decisions, lots of life. I wasn't a picture taker back then. When I learned of this tragedy, I realised that I don't have any documentation of our friendship . . . just memories and they are precious. You see, life is precious. Although we were no longer sharing our lives with one another, she was sharing her life with four beautiful babies. I don't know much else about the situation but this, she was their mommy, some one's sister, some one's friend, and she didn't have the opportunity to tell them goodbye or a last "I love you". Again, life is precious. It is not guaranteed. Tomorrow may not come here on this earth, so I challenge you and myself:
Again, life is precious. ETERNITY IS EVERYTHING.
- Hug those you love and TELL THEM every chance you get
- Be there more, go out of your way to see, call, check on people who are close to you or people who might need you.
- Be kind to others . . . you have no idea what they are going through, and a smile goes a long way
- Get your spiritual life in order RIGHT NOW. Live for the KING OF KING's TODAY. Know the salvation and eternal promises and life promised from JESUS and ACCEPT HIM as your SAVIOR. Don't fake it. Don't pretend and don't think just because you are a good person, you are covered. You must be a blood bought sinner saved by the GRACE of CHRIST to make it to HEAVEN. If you aren't, ask someone to pray with you and become one NOW. There is nothing in life more important that your salvation and you are not guaranteed tomorrow to perfect it.
- Do more, help more, hug more, kiss more, hold hands more often, smile more, slow down a little and enjoy the blessings around you. If you don't see God's blessings in your life, CHANGE YOUR LIFE, include HIM.
- If you are a Christian, tell someone else about Jesus. Let HIM use your life to build HIS kingdom.
Again, life is precious. ETERNITY IS EVERYTHING.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
This was a gift from Lindsey when Will was on his way. I have it framed in his room, but I took the time to read it again today and reflect on what a blessing, what a miracle we have been given.
Baby Will
What a wonderful world.
I can see it in the skies.
Look into the Heavens.
Look into his eyes.
I am sure he is just perfect.
A miracle so it seems.
My heart skips a beat.
Because He has chosen me.
Little did we know.
A gift was on its way.
Christ answered our prayers.
Knowing we needed this day.
But I can't believe it's almost time.
Until the day we meet.
Ready as we will ever be.
Now our family will be complete.
Baby Will
What a wonderful world.
I can see it in the skies.
Look into the Heavens.
Look into his eyes.
I am sure he is just perfect.
A miracle so it seems.
My heart skips a beat.
Because He has chosen me.
Little did we know.
A gift was on its way.
Christ answered our prayers.
Knowing we needed this day.
But I can't believe it's almost time.
Until the day we meet.
Ready as we will ever be.
Now our family will be complete.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Happy Birthday Sweet Baby Will!
Today, our precious miracle turned one. I can not believe that we have had the privilege of knowing and caring for such a beautiful, smart, loving, fun baby boy for a whole year. One year ago today, I was sitting in the hospital in awe of God's masterful handiwork and faithfulness. That day, I fell in love with a baby boy. As the days and weeks turned into months, I began to fall in love even more deeply as you changed into a little person. Youl are so happy and loving and you just melt my heart daily. You love to hold hands, give kisses and laugh out loud. You are so smart, so sweet, and life as your mommy is SO amazing.
Something else happened a year ago today for me. Not only did we get a brand new baby, but I also got to see Bill as a Daddy. WOW. I knew I loved him, I knew how wonderful a husband and friend he is to me, but man, I never knew how much seeing him love you would change my love for him. Son, you are so blessed to have such an amazing loving father and once again, I stand in awe of the blessings God has given me. I am now thoroughly, hopelessly, completely in love with two William Raymond Blackburn's!
Sweet Baby Will, you are growing and changing everyday, but one thing that will never change is how much your Daddy and I love you! You are a living example that God is still in the miracle business and that He hears our prayers and will give us the desires of our heart. Our prayer is that you will grow into a strong, compassionate, loving man of God. In the meantime, I hope that we will always remember to cherish every moment of your life.
Something else happened a year ago today for me. Not only did we get a brand new baby, but I also got to see Bill as a Daddy. WOW. I knew I loved him, I knew how wonderful a husband and friend he is to me, but man, I never knew how much seeing him love you would change my love for him. Son, you are so blessed to have such an amazing loving father and once again, I stand in awe of the blessings God has given me. I am now thoroughly, hopelessly, completely in love with two William Raymond Blackburn's!
Sweet Baby Will, you are growing and changing everyday, but one thing that will never change is how much your Daddy and I love you! You are a living example that God is still in the miracle business and that He hears our prayers and will give us the desires of our heart. Our prayer is that you will grow into a strong, compassionate, loving man of God. In the meantime, I hope that we will always remember to cherish every moment of your life.
Happy First Birthday Sweet Precious God's Will!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Thirty-One Gifts
I have decided to start selling Thirty-One Gifts. This will enable me to help with our family income and get together with friends and have a little fun too. I am excited about the oppotunity and in love with the products. They are beautiful, purposeful and stylish. I have purchased several items in the past and they have all held up beautifully. That is the reason I chose Thirty-One and can't wait to get started.
Please check out my website:
If you would like host a catalog party or a home party please call or email me at mblackburn1010@gmail.com. We can all use a night out with the girls . . . earning free, stylish, awesome products is just a bonus.
Please check out my website:
If you would like host a catalog party or a home party please call or email me at mblackburn1010@gmail.com. We can all use a night out with the girls . . . earning free, stylish, awesome products is just a bonus.
I love the Zoo
and I hope Will does too, because we bought a season pass. We went for the first time on Saturday, September 4th. We had a crew with Bill, Me and Will and Amy Corey and Luke, and we all had a great day. Luke had never been before either and he was so full of amazement that it touched my heart. He was so excited about riding the train and seeing the "arilla". Will loved the birds, the sea lion and the train too. What an amazing family day!
Bill and Will on the train. |
Obviously, we were not looking at the same thing. |
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Our sweet boys watching the sea lions. |
Monday, August 30, 2010
Patty Cake Anyone
At the beach, Chelle Belle taught Will how to clap his hands or "patty cake". We love this and now clap for everything. I know Bill and I look like a bunch of ding-dongs clapping all the time, but Will loves it.
Well, yesterday at church, the choir finished singing and everyone clapped. I wish I had my camera, because Will looked at me with eyes as big as saucers as if to say, "All these people are playing patty cake with me"!
I just love this kid.
Well, yesterday at church, the choir finished singing and everyone clapped. I wish I had my camera, because Will looked at me with eyes as big as saucers as if to say, "All these people are playing patty cake with me"!
I just love this kid.
A dear friend
This past week, our family lost a dear friend. Mr. Bruce was my dad's best friend for as long as I can remember. He had been principal of our high school and was a great man, but that isn't how I knew him. I knew him as my Dad's hunting buddy, a die hard Alabama fan with a love for dogs that surpassed mine. He always had a smile on his face and a joke. He and my Dad were like brothers, always messing with each other, trying to best one another and always there when they needed each other. I guess the things that I will remember most about him was his encouragement to do better than your best, to try something news and to be a blessing to others. He encouraged my wonderful nephew C.J. to pursue football, and I know C.J. will never forget Mr. Bruce pushing him to succeed.
My heart hurts for Mrs. Charlotte, his wife, and Becky his daughter. I know the pain they are going through and I hate that anyone else has to feel that. We will miss his wonderful friendship. We will miss his hearty laugh and smile. I know that he is celebrating in Heaven with Jesus. I know that he and mom are already messing with each other there and I know that I will see him again, but until then I will pray for peace for all that miss him.
We love you Mr. Bruce!
My heart hurts for Mrs. Charlotte, his wife, and Becky his daughter. I know the pain they are going through and I hate that anyone else has to feel that. We will miss his wonderful friendship. We will miss his hearty laugh and smile. I know that he is celebrating in Heaven with Jesus. I know that he and mom are already messing with each other there and I know that I will see him again, but until then I will pray for peace for all that miss him.
We love you Mr. Bruce!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Beach thus far
Well this week has had a lot of unexpected little adventures. Little man was a little fussy coming down and we notices a new little tooth peaking out from under his gums. Then, about half way down, I noticed a little fever with that tooth (I hate teething). I dismissed it as just teething issues, but was a little worried since he has not really gotten well since two weeks ago when we had the croup. Also on the way down, Bill started feeling puny. I dismissed it (outwardly) but was starting to feel like this may not be the fairytale family vacation that I had planned. We did get to have wonderful dinner with my Uncle Frank and Aunt Kim that evening despite the drama of the day.
By the time we got here, Will's fever was up and baby Tylenol was given along with bib boy Tylenol for Bill. The next morning, Bill was feeling pretty bad, and Will had been up and down most of the night. We stayed inside most of the day, which was not a problem because there was a torrential downpour here. By that evening, Will and Bill were both sporting a hefty fever and Mommy made the executive decision to head to the Doc in the Box. Thank Goodness. Will has a bad ear infection along with the oncoming tooth and Bill has a bacterial infection requiring antibiotics. Needless to say, not exactly what I had in mind.
The thing is, Bill is such a good daddy and no matter how badly he was feeling, he was just worried about Will not feeling well and me not having a good time. Will is such a good baby, he has been in a relatively good mood, even though his little ear and mouth hurts.
Monday, we spent about thirty minutes at the beach. Tuesday, Bill and Will slept most of the day, and I spent some time on the sand with a book. That afternoon, we headed to the pool for a little while with Aunt Lindsey and Mimi. Today, we spent most of the day on the beach and had a perfect, awesome time.
We are here with Grandaddy, Chelle-Belle, Uncle Scott, Daniel and Lindsey and tonight Jeromy, Jessica and Ryleigh came in. I can't wait until tomorrow.
By the time we got here, Will's fever was up and baby Tylenol was given along with bib boy Tylenol for Bill. The next morning, Bill was feeling pretty bad, and Will had been up and down most of the night. We stayed inside most of the day, which was not a problem because there was a torrential downpour here. By that evening, Will and Bill were both sporting a hefty fever and Mommy made the executive decision to head to the Doc in the Box. Thank Goodness. Will has a bad ear infection along with the oncoming tooth and Bill has a bacterial infection requiring antibiotics. Needless to say, not exactly what I had in mind.
The thing is, Bill is such a good daddy and no matter how badly he was feeling, he was just worried about Will not feeling well and me not having a good time. Will is such a good baby, he has been in a relatively good mood, even though his little ear and mouth hurts.
Monday, we spent about thirty minutes at the beach. Tuesday, Bill and Will slept most of the day, and I spent some time on the sand with a book. That afternoon, we headed to the pool for a little while with Aunt Lindsey and Mimi. Today, we spent most of the day on the beach and had a perfect, awesome time.
We are here with Grandaddy, Chelle-Belle, Uncle Scott, Daniel and Lindsey and tonight Jeromy, Jessica and Ryleigh came in. I can't wait until tomorrow.
Here is a sweet picture from yesterday:
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
We are here . . .
The day hasn't gone exactly as planned. Will is teething and has had fever most of the day and it has rained buckets. That sounds really bad, but I AM AT THE BEACH! I look out the windows and see God's most beautiful artwork and here his lullaby to us through the waves. I am at peace here. I know Will is going to feel better and I will get to see him play in the sand and swim this week. So today, I accept the opportunity for a day to sit around in my PJ's all day and spend time with our family. Life is Good Today!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Looking up
I have heard all of my life that you have to be knocked completely on your back to look up and accept God for who He is. I am a living testimony to the fact that this works, but I don't think it has to be that way. God is there and if we accept that with childlike faith, we will have someone holding us up during hard times.
That being said, this last month has been hard. We learned that our dear Papa has bone cancer. For two weeks, he went back and forth to the Dr. and every time, he got worse news. I do not like the reality that as we get older, news such as this comes much more frequent, but it does. I am happy to say that Papa is taking radiation and chemo treatments and is feeling much better. He has the most beautiful spirit of anyone I know and he is a fighter with an amazing faith. I am thankful to have him in our lives and most thankful that my little boy has the opportunity to know and learn from him. He is a gift, and I fully expect a miracle to allow us to have him for many years to come.
In the midst of that news, we had to make the decision to put Will in daycare. Before this, he stayed with a beautiful family of girls three days a week and Memaw and Papa the other two. This was a devastating decision for me, even though I knew he would be fine, I was heartbroken. He went a whole day and a half before he became terribly sick (not from the daycare). He fights infant reflux and it had flared up, making his whole stomach and esophagus and throat raw and irritable where he would not eat or drink. (FYI - Will weighed 24 lbs) We started medicating for that and he spiked a fever, which turned into the croup. Three Dr.'s appointments in one week, lots of tests, and parents who were exhausted and worried filled our week. BUT, he is better. We re-started daycare on Monday and so far so good. He seems to like it and has adjusted without near the trauma that Mama has had. The little guy has taught me so many lessons about being joyful all the time, no matter how you feel. Even on his worse day last week, he would try so hard to laugh and play. He is a gift, he will do just fine in daycare, where he is loved and learning every day and I will get used to it.
Also last week, my sweet neighbor's sister had something go terribly wrong in her brain and is in a devastating situation. She has two children and they expect her to meet the Lord soon. Summer, my neighbor, is being very brave in the face of this, but my heart hurts for her. She is a rock of faith and I know they are leaning on God and He will provide. What happen to the days when we were 14 and we heard about this stuff, but never close to home!
So, lost of things going on in our lives . . . but that is why I chose to title this "Looking up". I will lift my eyes to the Lord, where my help comes from. He is my refuge and fortress in times of trouble. He will carry me. Even in the midst of storms, times of uncertainty and sadness and the horrible things that this fallen world has to offer, there is beauty and hope in Jesus.
That being said, this last month has been hard. We learned that our dear Papa has bone cancer. For two weeks, he went back and forth to the Dr. and every time, he got worse news. I do not like the reality that as we get older, news such as this comes much more frequent, but it does. I am happy to say that Papa is taking radiation and chemo treatments and is feeling much better. He has the most beautiful spirit of anyone I know and he is a fighter with an amazing faith. I am thankful to have him in our lives and most thankful that my little boy has the opportunity to know and learn from him. He is a gift, and I fully expect a miracle to allow us to have him for many years to come.
In the midst of that news, we had to make the decision to put Will in daycare. Before this, he stayed with a beautiful family of girls three days a week and Memaw and Papa the other two. This was a devastating decision for me, even though I knew he would be fine, I was heartbroken. He went a whole day and a half before he became terribly sick (not from the daycare). He fights infant reflux and it had flared up, making his whole stomach and esophagus and throat raw and irritable where he would not eat or drink. (FYI - Will weighed 24 lbs) We started medicating for that and he spiked a fever, which turned into the croup. Three Dr.'s appointments in one week, lots of tests, and parents who were exhausted and worried filled our week. BUT, he is better. We re-started daycare on Monday and so far so good. He seems to like it and has adjusted without near the trauma that Mama has had. The little guy has taught me so many lessons about being joyful all the time, no matter how you feel. Even on his worse day last week, he would try so hard to laugh and play. He is a gift, he will do just fine in daycare, where he is loved and learning every day and I will get used to it.
Also last week, my sweet neighbor's sister had something go terribly wrong in her brain and is in a devastating situation. She has two children and they expect her to meet the Lord soon. Summer, my neighbor, is being very brave in the face of this, but my heart hurts for her. She is a rock of faith and I know they are leaning on God and He will provide. What happen to the days when we were 14 and we heard about this stuff, but never close to home!
So, lost of things going on in our lives . . . but that is why I chose to title this "Looking up". I will lift my eyes to the Lord, where my help comes from. He is my refuge and fortress in times of trouble. He will carry me. Even in the midst of storms, times of uncertainty and sadness and the horrible things that this fallen world has to offer, there is beauty and hope in Jesus.
Dear . . .
Dear sandy beaches,
I long for you. I can not wait to feel your warm caress on my feet, to hear God's beautiful love song created with water and waves, to see the glory and beauty that you have to offer, to feel the relaxation that can only come when I am near you. I am giddy with excitement and expectation of wonderful days with family, of new adventures with my baby boy, of holding hands with my husband, of visiting friends and family that I dont get to see very often. I am overjoyed with a place away from stress and work and being pulled in ten directions at every moment. I am ecstatic with the opportunity to make memories that will last a lifetime.
It has been too long and I have truly missed you, but I will see you in two days.
Love your friend and admirer,
I long for you. I can not wait to feel your warm caress on my feet, to hear God's beautiful love song created with water and waves, to see the glory and beauty that you have to offer, to feel the relaxation that can only come when I am near you. I am giddy with excitement and expectation of wonderful days with family, of new adventures with my baby boy, of holding hands with my husband, of visiting friends and family that I dont get to see very often. I am overjoyed with a place away from stress and work and being pulled in ten directions at every moment. I am ecstatic with the opportunity to make memories that will last a lifetime.
It has been too long and I have truly missed you, but I will see you in two days.
Love your friend and admirer,
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Can't find the words
I have tried to post the last few days, but I just can't find the words. I want to say life is hard but God is stronger than that. I want to say that my God has all of the things that we are facing under control and I am trusting in him. I do trust him and I know that He is in control, but . . .
I am a very emotional person. I wear my heart right out on my sleeve and my heart is hurting right now. I find myself going from sadness, to anger, to frustration. I am having to work daily, hourly to reel in my emotions and stand on His promises. I know my emotions do not dictate my relationship with God and am thankful for that.
The truth is, I am scared and worried. I think I have previously noted that I hate change. Well, we are cliff diving into a mound of change right now and I am as shaken as can be. I feel like I am in a dodge ball game, and I'm stuck to the floor, with the balls just pummeling me. I will find the words to share everything that is going on, but right now, we just need prayers for our family, especially for our Papa and Memaw. Most of all, we need prayers for peace in our souls. I know that satan is standing in the wings waiting for us to falter, but God can and will provide the peace that surpasses all understanding and that is what we am need most.
I am a very emotional person. I wear my heart right out on my sleeve and my heart is hurting right now. I find myself going from sadness, to anger, to frustration. I am having to work daily, hourly to reel in my emotions and stand on His promises. I know my emotions do not dictate my relationship with God and am thankful for that.
The truth is, I am scared and worried. I think I have previously noted that I hate change. Well, we are cliff diving into a mound of change right now and I am as shaken as can be. I feel like I am in a dodge ball game, and I'm stuck to the floor, with the balls just pummeling me. I will find the words to share everything that is going on, but right now, we just need prayers for our family, especially for our Papa and Memaw. Most of all, we need prayers for peace in our souls. I know that satan is standing in the wings waiting for us to falter, but God can and will provide the peace that surpasses all understanding and that is what we am need most.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
This post is out of order, but that's OK. I went to Sips N Strokes last week with Amy, Christi, Linda and Jenn. I have done this a couple of times and realized that I really enjoy painting. No one else had been, and I got a kick out of listening to them fret about putting paint on a canvas. Who cares what it looks like. You don't have to hang it in your living room. I must say that I loved all of the pictures. Everyone did an amazing job. Most of all, I enjoyed the time with my family, my friends. Amy never gets to do something just for her, and I so enjoyed watching her settle in, relax and have fun, just for her. Christi and Linda were a hoot. Christi is a perfectionist, so worried about every detail. Linda was painting 10 minutes after the class stopped and announced that we were just jealous that we weren't still painting. Jenn was giggling most of the time. She made me giggle too. It was fun. So fun.
I am thankful for these times and memories. I am thankful for a husband that wants me to do things for myself and is so willing to keep Will and push me to go. I am thankful that I am friends with my sister, my cousin, my Aunt. I am so blessed to have grown up in a close family. I have realized that family does not always mean friends. I know many people who rarely talk to their siblings and have shut out their families. That makes me sad for others, because I can't imagine not being friends with my sister, or Christi, or Linda or the rest of my extended family.
I am thankful for these times and memories. I am thankful for a husband that wants me to do things for myself and is so willing to keep Will and push me to go. I am thankful that I am friends with my sister, my cousin, my Aunt. I am so blessed to have grown up in a close family. I have realized that family does not always mean friends. I know many people who rarely talk to their siblings and have shut out their families. That makes me sad for others, because I can't imagine not being friends with my sister, or Christi, or Linda or the rest of my extended family.
Pictures, Birthdays, Weddings
This weekend has been CRAZY! I love being busy, but . . . WOW. We started yesterday with Will's 10 month pictures (which should have been 9 month pictures, but we got off schedule). This makes me nervous. I always worry that he will get upset, that the pics won't turn out well, that we will stress out his Daddy and Kim, our awesome photographer. Silly, I know. They are pictures of his life and if he is crying, that's OK. He does that sometimes. However, if you have been around me with my son, you might have noticed that I don't like for him to cry. EVER. I do everything I can to make him happy all the time. Can we say spoiled? That's OK, because I waiting a long time to get him here and that is my right. Anyway, to get back on track, the pictures went great. He was wonderful and this made Mommy very happy.
So, that was in Trussville and we had to make it back to Hueytown for my sweet cousin Nathan's second birthday. Thanks to Daddy's stellar driving, we made it and I'm so glad. What a fun time we had. Will swam with Amy, Luke, Shelby, Grace and Christi (mommy forgot our swim bag, so no Mommy and Daddy in the pool). He loves the water and we had so much fun watching them. Sweet Nathan had a great party with a ton of people that love him. We stayed longer than we should have, then had to pack up and hurry home.
Next on the list was getting Mr. Will ready to spend the night with Grandma. He loves his Grandma (and so do we). He gets excited to see her coming and loves her living room filled with his toys and his pool on the patio at her house. So Grandma came to get Mr. Will and . . . we had to get ready to go to an out of town wedding.
Getting ready is not my strong suit. I am slow, I get side tracked and I am usually late. There I said it. If you love me, you love me in spite of these things. So, I tried to hurry, but I was of course running a little behind. We get in the car, where I told Bill the directions were on my phone. Down the road we go, where Bill asks, " Where's your phone?". Back home we head . . . and we're off again. We have to pick up a friend in Homewood and make it to Anniston in basically an hour. Once again, thank you Bill for your amazing driving. We made it.
What a beautiful wedding Natalie and Taylor had. She was gorgeous. He was handsome. The food was good and the band great. AND Bill danced with me. What a great night and a great date.
We stayed for a little while, but then we realized that we could be at home, getting a full nights sleep, which does not happen with Mr. Will. So, we are such party animals, that we were home by 10:30 and we had a great nights sleep. (Thanks again, Grandma!)
I would post pics of all of these wonderful events, but my camera was at home the whole time. Oh well.
Now for today 's agenda - Church, Memaw's, Amy's for Crystal's 16th birthday, then the mound of laundry in my laundry room and to clean up this house that is definitely lived in and overrun with toys.
** One more side note. When I posted to Lindsey last week, I was on pain drugs. I did go back and fix my many errors and did notice that it was basically unreadable. I will try not to blog while high anymore :)
So, that was in Trussville and we had to make it back to Hueytown for my sweet cousin Nathan's second birthday. Thanks to Daddy's stellar driving, we made it and I'm so glad. What a fun time we had. Will swam with Amy, Luke, Shelby, Grace and Christi (mommy forgot our swim bag, so no Mommy and Daddy in the pool). He loves the water and we had so much fun watching them. Sweet Nathan had a great party with a ton of people that love him. We stayed longer than we should have, then had to pack up and hurry home.
Next on the list was getting Mr. Will ready to spend the night with Grandma. He loves his Grandma (and so do we). He gets excited to see her coming and loves her living room filled with his toys and his pool on the patio at her house. So Grandma came to get Mr. Will and . . . we had to get ready to go to an out of town wedding.
Getting ready is not my strong suit. I am slow, I get side tracked and I am usually late. There I said it. If you love me, you love me in spite of these things. So, I tried to hurry, but I was of course running a little behind. We get in the car, where I told Bill the directions were on my phone. Down the road we go, where Bill asks, " Where's your phone?". Back home we head . . . and we're off again. We have to pick up a friend in Homewood and make it to Anniston in basically an hour. Once again, thank you Bill for your amazing driving. We made it.
What a beautiful wedding Natalie and Taylor had. She was gorgeous. He was handsome. The food was good and the band great. AND Bill danced with me. What a great night and a great date.
We stayed for a little while, but then we realized that we could be at home, getting a full nights sleep, which does not happen with Mr. Will. So, we are such party animals, that we were home by 10:30 and we had a great nights sleep. (Thanks again, Grandma!)
I would post pics of all of these wonderful events, but my camera was at home the whole time. Oh well.
Now for today 's agenda - Church, Memaw's, Amy's for Crystal's 16th birthday, then the mound of laundry in my laundry room and to clean up this house that is definitely lived in and overrun with toys.
** One more side note. When I posted to Lindsey last week, I was on pain drugs. I did go back and fix my many errors and did notice that it was basically unreadable. I will try not to blog while high anymore :)
Friday, July 16, 2010
10 Months . . .
Mr. Will turned 10 months old yesterday. He celebrated by taking a few steps at Memaw and Pappa's house and by showing out and making us all laugh hysterically yesterday. It seems like only yesterday that I held him for the first time and yet, it seems like I don't remember life before his joy became mine. I love this little boy. I am so blessed to be so a Mother to such a sweet precious little guy.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Homemade . Key . Lime . Cupcakes.
Cream . Cheese . Icing.
(and pain drugs to take to help with the joys of another ovarian cyst.)
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Lindsey's Challenge
So, my sweet baby sister-n-law issued a little blog/game/challenge to me to answer a few questions. Fun, but of course, I am late and I am sure she didn't think I was reading her blog or paying attention, but I am. Nah Nah Boo Boo little girl. Here are your answers:
and here are my questions for all you ladies.
1. what is your favorite restaurant, what do you order?
Sumo and I love Crunchy Shrimp Roll, California Roll, Spicy Tuna, or Shrimp and Scallops
2. favorite childhood memory?
Floating down the river in a HUGE float full of soap suds with 20 of my closest friends
3. (only because I love princesses) what princess would you be and why?
Fiona. Why you ask? Her Prince Charming is unconventional and funny and she lives with a bunch of fruitcakes.
Ariel would be my other choice, because she is a hard-headed dreamer and I love that!
4. what is your biggest pet peeve?
People who are two-faced. I have been that person, and I was not a good person. I wish people would just say "I don't like you" rather than pretend and stab you in the back.
5. what is your favorite hobby?
WOW, I have a ton. Dancing, painting, thrift-ing, shopping, laughing. I guess my fave is laughing.
6. if you had a genie for a day, what would your 3 wishes be?
Lots of financial security for my family so I could stay home with the kids, and help those I know who need a boost
Kids - meaning my second wish would be for 2 more perfectly healthy babies
To see everyone that I know accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour
7. what is your favorite movie?
Steel Magnolias! Hands down.
8. what is a quote you like?
"my strength is as big as the God within me". I actually was given this today by a dear friend from a blog that she loves, and I am clinging to it right now.
and here are my questions for all you ladies.
1. what is your favorite restaurant, what do you order?
Sumo and I love Crunchy Shrimp Roll, California Roll, Spicy Tuna, or Shrimp and Scallops
2. favorite childhood memory?
Floating down the river in a HUGE float full of soap suds with 20 of my closest friends
3. (only because I love princesses) what princess would you be and why?
Fiona. Why you ask? Her Prince Charming is unconventional and funny and she lives with a bunch of fruitcakes.
Ariel would be my other choice, because she is a hard-headed dreamer and I love that!
4. what is your biggest pet peeve?
People who are two-faced. I have been that person, and I was not a good person. I wish people would just say "I don't like you" rather than pretend and stab you in the back.
5. what is your favorite hobby?
WOW, I have a ton. Dancing, painting, thrift-ing, shopping, laughing. I guess my fave is laughing.
6. if you had a genie for a day, what would your 3 wishes be?
Lots of financial security for my family so I could stay home with the kids, and help those I know who need a boost
Kids - meaning my second wish would be for 2 more perfectly healthy babies
To see everyone that I know accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour
7. what is your favorite movie?
Steel Magnolias! Hands down.
8. what is a quote you like?
"my strength is as big as the God within me". I actually was given this today by a dear friend from a blog that she loves, and I am clinging to it right now.
I wore the wrong thing . . .
I wore the wrong thing last Thursday. I got out of bed, chose clothes that I don't usually wear and was uncomfortable all day long. That trickled down into every part of my day. I was anxious, uptight, agitated all day long. I could not concentrate and did not do a good job at my work. I was miserable. Over clothes. Something that shouldn't matter. Once I got home and changed clothes, I noticed an immediate change in my attitude.
I have thought about that a lot about that since Thursday. How often do we wear the wrong thing on the inside. We put on a smile and makeup and clothing that makes us look the part, but we wear malice, anger, bitterness, jealousy, insecurity. Those things make us anxious, uptight, agitated. They affect everything that we do during the day. What we wear in our hearts is directly related to what kind of day we have and who we are.
I am trying daily to put on the full armor of God. That way, I am dressed appropriately for anything that comes my way. I want to be uplifting, positive, encouraging, self controlled. I want to wear the fruit of the spirit that God has called me to wear. And when I fail, I want to praise God for the opportunity to change.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Monday, July 5, 2010
Mississippi, Wonderful Relatives, and DOGS
I'm tired.
That could be because we travelled to Jackson Mississippi this weekend. We went to visit Aunt Libbie and Uncle Mike, Kelly, Jamie and all the dogs! We got in late Friday night and stayed up until 1 AM visiting. It is so nice to go into someone else's home and be made completely comfortable. Such fun conversation and laughter. They are my relatives by marriage, but it just felt like family this weekend and THEY SPOILED US ROTTEN! Saturday, we spent the morning loving on dogs (I will run down all of the dogs in a minute). Aunt Libbie cooked for us, while will flirted with her. He played and played, and was just wrapped around his Uncle Mike's finger. Then, they took us out for awesome pizza and a trip to Aunt Libbie's Merle Norman store at the mall. I shopped and oohed and awed over everything while they took Will to the toy store. As you can imagine, he came back rich with awesome toys. And I left with new shoes and a new purse and a new face thanks to sweet Kelly. Mike and Lib kept Mr. Will while Bill and I went on a date to Vicksburg for good food and fun. What a great time I had with my sweet husband. We should date more. When we do, we remember that we really, really like each other.
Sunday morning, we got up again and played with lots of puppies, while Uncle Mike and Will cooked us breakfast again. Then, we had a wonderful Japanese lunch and more visiting before we headed home.
I will post pictures, but I want to run down a list of the dogs just for my fun. They have a LOT of Boxers right now. Momma dog, Lilly, who is accompanied by 12 of her puppies. She has Hank and Bella (who are huge) from her first litter, Petal from her second litter (who is a boxer/German pointer and a princess) and nine new boxer babies. If you know me, then you know that I was in HEAVEN with all of these babies. I managed to love them all and even name several of the babies - Button, Spice, Pumpkin, Little Man . . . and I announced that I wanted each one at least once during the 48 hours we were there. I think we decided that we love Button for Grandma and we want Lilly, if and when she needs a new home.
I know this post is all over the place, but I want to document this because I felt like a Princess all weekend. I did learn one valuable lesson. Traveling with a baby is HARD WORK, and we have a wonderful happy baby. It is just taxing, especially because I don't like to travel at all. I like to go new places, but I hate getting there. Thank God, Bill has the patience of Job and handles my grumpy self very well.
I am glad to be home, but I want to remember this weekend. I felt like a kid again, and with all of the stress that has been on my shoulders for quite some time, I needed this.
Thanks Uncle Mike and Aunt Lib, Kelly and Jamie for letting me be a part of the family, for loving Bill and Will and for making us feel so special.
We love you guys.
That could be because we travelled to Jackson Mississippi this weekend. We went to visit Aunt Libbie and Uncle Mike, Kelly, Jamie and all the dogs! We got in late Friday night and stayed up until 1 AM visiting. It is so nice to go into someone else's home and be made completely comfortable. Such fun conversation and laughter. They are my relatives by marriage, but it just felt like family this weekend and THEY SPOILED US ROTTEN! Saturday, we spent the morning loving on dogs (I will run down all of the dogs in a minute). Aunt Libbie cooked for us, while will flirted with her. He played and played, and was just wrapped around his Uncle Mike's finger. Then, they took us out for awesome pizza and a trip to Aunt Libbie's Merle Norman store at the mall. I shopped and oohed and awed over everything while they took Will to the toy store. As you can imagine, he came back rich with awesome toys. And I left with new shoes and a new purse and a new face thanks to sweet Kelly. Mike and Lib kept Mr. Will while Bill and I went on a date to Vicksburg for good food and fun. What a great time I had with my sweet husband. We should date more. When we do, we remember that we really, really like each other.
Sunday morning, we got up again and played with lots of puppies, while Uncle Mike and Will cooked us breakfast again. Then, we had a wonderful Japanese lunch and more visiting before we headed home.
I will post pictures, but I want to run down a list of the dogs just for my fun. They have a LOT of Boxers right now. Momma dog, Lilly, who is accompanied by 12 of her puppies. She has Hank and Bella (who are huge) from her first litter, Petal from her second litter (who is a boxer/German pointer and a princess) and nine new boxer babies. If you know me, then you know that I was in HEAVEN with all of these babies. I managed to love them all and even name several of the babies - Button, Spice, Pumpkin, Little Man . . . and I announced that I wanted each one at least once during the 48 hours we were there. I think we decided that we love Button for Grandma and we want Lilly, if and when she needs a new home.
I know this post is all over the place, but I want to document this because I felt like a Princess all weekend. I did learn one valuable lesson. Traveling with a baby is HARD WORK, and we have a wonderful happy baby. It is just taxing, especially because I don't like to travel at all. I like to go new places, but I hate getting there. Thank God, Bill has the patience of Job and handles my grumpy self very well.
I am glad to be home, but I want to remember this weekend. I felt like a kid again, and with all of the stress that has been on my shoulders for quite some time, I needed this.
Thanks Uncle Mike and Aunt Lib, Kelly and Jamie for letting me be a part of the family, for loving Bill and Will and for making us feel so special.
We love you guys.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Bert Blackburn, March 1998 - June 2010
Our tears fell down our cheeks today as we held your paw
the memories of the past years both of us recalled
Your playful spirit and wonderful affection
Your mighty bark and years of protection
You have been our companion and our friend
Bert, will miss you forever, but this is not the end
Having you as a friend, we were truly blessed
so, go now to the Rainbow Bridge and rest
Don't worry for your Master's anymore,
We will see you when we cross the shore.
And there will be no more pain
when at last we get to play again.
In loving memory of Bert Blackburn
March 1998 - June 2010
Goodbye, Sweet Bert.
If you know anything about me at all, then you know I don't like to sat goodbye, EVER. I don't say goodbye on the phone, I hate goodbye in person and I hate the indefinite goodbyes until we get to Heaven. Even as a child visiting my relatives in Mobile, I cried every time we left. It hurts to leave behind those that you love.
Well, today Bill and I had to do one of the the hardest things I have had to do in a long, long time. We said goodbye to our dear precious dog, Bert. Bill got him in March of 1998. We were blessed to have such a great dog for so many years. He was a puppy his whole life, always jumping and playing with us, but only us. He played hard with his doggie soulmate, Berneice, but only her. No other dogs allowed. He guarded his friend, his owners and his home. He was our protector. He knew the sound of our vehicles and welcomed us with his loud bark every time we drove up. He barked when Bill turned onto our street, just to let me know he was on the way. He barked the "other bark" when anyone was anywhere near our home.
Bert was out guardian and would have laid down his life for us without hesitations.
He had a very adventurous life for a dog. He was shot when he was a little over a year old. That is right, shot. Someone shot our dog in his on fenced in back yard for no apparent reason. But, thanks to our wonderful vet, he over came that. He had a couple of bouts with opossums, two very traumatic run ins with a raccoon, and he attacked a police officer for coming into his fence.
He was a great friend and a part of our family that we will very much miss. Bill and I both have somewhat soft hearts. We love with everything we have. We loved Bert just that way and we are hurting We are sad, and we are relying on the comforter to touch our hearts tonight.
Well, today Bill and I had to do one of the the hardest things I have had to do in a long, long time. We said goodbye to our dear precious dog, Bert. Bill got him in March of 1998. We were blessed to have such a great dog for so many years. He was a puppy his whole life, always jumping and playing with us, but only us. He played hard with his doggie soulmate, Berneice, but only her. No other dogs allowed. He guarded his friend, his owners and his home. He was our protector. He knew the sound of our vehicles and welcomed us with his loud bark every time we drove up. He barked when Bill turned onto our street, just to let me know he was on the way. He barked the "other bark" when anyone was anywhere near our home.
Bert was out guardian and would have laid down his life for us without hesitations.
He had a very adventurous life for a dog. He was shot when he was a little over a year old. That is right, shot. Someone shot our dog in his on fenced in back yard for no apparent reason. But, thanks to our wonderful vet, he over came that. He had a couple of bouts with opossums, two very traumatic run ins with a raccoon, and he attacked a police officer for coming into his fence.
He was a great friend and a part of our family that we will very much miss. Bill and I both have somewhat soft hearts. We love with everything we have. We loved Bert just that way and we are hurting We are sad, and we are relying on the comforter to touch our hearts tonight.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Fishing . . . I think not
Ever had one of those days? Bill and I have been planning on going fishing for about 3 weeks. We picked today, Monday, because I was off work, we had a babysitter, and the lake wouldn't be crowded. I had checked James Spann's website 100 times to make sure the weather would cooperate and was ready to go. You have to understand, Bill is not a fisher, he is a catcher, so our destination would be a stocked catfish pond, because if Bill ain't catchin', he ain't stayin. So the destination was planned, we were packed and ready to go.
This is how our day went . . . Will, our alarm clock, overslept. Then, I took him to Mrs. Dawn's, where he loves to go, but he cried and it took me forever to leave him. So, it was after 9AM when we left home. (No problem, because I did not care if we were fishing in the hottest part of the day.) Did I mention, fishing is my favorite past time and I was super excited.
Then, we get to exit 100 on 59 after discussing what a blessing our old beat up Chevy is. We were laughing and having a good old time, when Bill said, the truck is running hot. So, off the interstate we go. We called our good friends (the cavalry) and with a little tweaking and 45 minutes later, we were back on our way to the lake. (So, we were just a little late, but we were still going fishing. I was determined!)
Apparently, it was not my day. We drove another 30 minutes and get to the lake to see a sign that says "Open Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday". UGH. OK, new plan. On to the county lake. Even though it isn't quite as stocked, we will still have fun. So we drive about 15 minutes down the road, and I am once again excited. I AM GOIN FISHIN. Then we see the sign "Bibb County Lake: Closed Monday". So, I pouted a minute, then I put on my big girl panties and decided to just enjoy the day with Bill.
And a good day it was, despite the anger of the fishing gods.
This is how our day went . . . Will, our alarm clock, overslept. Then, I took him to Mrs. Dawn's, where he loves to go, but he cried and it took me forever to leave him. So, it was after 9AM when we left home. (No problem, because I did not care if we were fishing in the hottest part of the day.) Did I mention, fishing is my favorite past time and I was super excited.
Then, we get to exit 100 on 59 after discussing what a blessing our old beat up Chevy is. We were laughing and having a good old time, when Bill said, the truck is running hot. So, off the interstate we go. We called our good friends (the cavalry) and with a little tweaking and 45 minutes later, we were back on our way to the lake. (So, we were just a little late, but we were still going fishing. I was determined!)
Apparently, it was not my day. We drove another 30 minutes and get to the lake to see a sign that says "Open Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday". UGH. OK, new plan. On to the county lake. Even though it isn't quite as stocked, we will still have fun. So we drive about 15 minutes down the road, and I am once again excited. I AM GOIN FISHIN. Then we see the sign "Bibb County Lake: Closed Monday". So, I pouted a minute, then I put on my big girl panties and decided to just enjoy the day with Bill.
And a good day it was, despite the anger of the fishing gods.
My other Dad
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Happy Father's Day to my sweet Daddy too. You worked so hard to teach Amy and I hard work, dedication, dependability, love, and fun. You sacrificed so much to make sure that we were taken care of, to make sure that we had what we needed and what we wanted. You played in the floor with us when we were little, waited up when we were working late, just so we didn't have to come home to an empty room, and held our hands through the hardest times of our lives. You still make us giggle at your grumpy moods and your silly jokes. You were our "Father" not our "Friend", and when we needed tough love, you dished it out. THANK YOU DADDY. For those things, the hard things, and for being our friend now. We miss having you close, but we cherish every second we see you and we love your "country" stories.
Daddy, we couldn't have been blessed with a better Daddy or our babies with a bette grandfather, and we couldn't love you more!
Love, your babies (and the hubbies and the grandbabies)
Father's Day
From Father's Day 2009 to Father's Day 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
That is right. 9 PM to 6 AM
Our little guy turned 9 months old this week, and do you know what he did? Do you? Can you guess?
And so did I. And so did Bill.
So why am I tired today? Too much sleep maybe.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Sister. Friend. Supporter. Cohort in Crime. Mamie to my son. Sharer of my childhood and dreams. Stand-in mom. Rock of our Family. Mine.
I am the baby. Therefore, there are no memories without her. My whole life includes her.
Dancing in our panties in the rain, sharing the Strawberry Shortcake room, giggling ourselves to sleep, holding hands on Christmas morning, playing on the whirly-bird, swimming, softball, cheering, school, band, working together, playing hard, long nights planning concerts, midnight shopping the day after Thanksgiving, The Dove Awards. Holding hands and welcoming our babies into this world. Crying, laughing, hurting, helping.
She encompasses all of these things to me. Every birthday, every death, every hardship, every celebration, every loss and every new life. She has been right here.
Having a sister is one of the greatest gifts anyone could have, but having a sister like Amy is the GREATEST. It is a blessing to call her sister, it is an HONOR and PRIVILEGE to call her my friend.
So, on this her very special birthday week, I celebrate my sister, my blessing, my friend.
God, please bless Amy with the same joy and happiness that she has and continues to bring into my life.
Amy, I love you most!
Monday, June 14, 2010
Is that even how you spell the word? I was not trained to be a domestic woman. I was convinced that I would never have to do all of those things that Mom spent her life doing . . . like staying in the kitchen, mopping floors, and doing laundry every day.
Guess what? I have not found the domestic fairy to come and do these things when I wiggle my nose. For 10 years of marriage, I have gotten by on Bill's cooking (which is awesome, but includes no veggie), eating cereal and Chef Boyardee when he isn't here and staying so busy that we didn't really have time to make a dirty house.
Enter motherhood and age 31.
I want to stay home, which means we mess up the house and I need to clean it. Will likes it here and I like being here with him and his Daddy. I want to eat healthier, which means I need to learn how to cook things to go along with Bill's wonderful grilled steaks, chicken, etc. I want Will to know what veggies are and that they come froms somewhere other than a can.
So, I AM GOING TO BECOME DOMESTIC if it kills me. I realize that I should have been doing these things for my sweet husband all of these years, so I am starting now.
Today, I baked a cake and decorated it for my sister's birthday. It isn't great or even good, but a start. And you know what, (GASP) I think I am starting to enjoy being in the kitchen and working in my house.
Who knew? Maybe I did get some of those things from Mom. It just took a little while for them to surface.
Guess what? I have not found the domestic fairy to come and do these things when I wiggle my nose. For 10 years of marriage, I have gotten by on Bill's cooking (which is awesome, but includes no veggie), eating cereal and Chef Boyardee when he isn't here and staying so busy that we didn't really have time to make a dirty house.
Enter motherhood and age 31.
I want to stay home, which means we mess up the house and I need to clean it. Will likes it here and I like being here with him and his Daddy. I want to eat healthier, which means I need to learn how to cook things to go along with Bill's wonderful grilled steaks, chicken, etc. I want Will to know what veggies are and that they come froms somewhere other than a can.
So, I AM GOING TO BECOME DOMESTIC if it kills me. I realize that I should have been doing these things for my sweet husband all of these years, so I am starting now.
Today, I baked a cake and decorated it for my sister's birthday. It isn't great or even good, but a start. And you know what, (GASP) I think I am starting to enjoy being in the kitchen and working in my house.
Who knew? Maybe I did get some of those things from Mom. It just took a little while for them to surface.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Sweet Will's changes
As you can see, he is getting SO BIG. He is now almost 9 months and is a blast all the time. We are crawling everywhere and FAST. Like REALLY FAST! He is pulling up on everything and has no fear. He did not get that from me! Mr. Will is also talking. That's right, I said my nine month old is talking!
So far, he says Mama, Dada, Yaddy, Pappa or Pop Pop, Wow, Oh, Hey, Bye-bye-bye, and Uh-oh. I think that is all so far, but it seems like we get a new word every day. I don't even know which one was his first word, because all of a sudden, he was just saying words.
The little guy is busy all the time. He still hates to sleep and be alone, but loves to play with Lucy and anyone who will get in the floor with him. Will is animated (if you can't tell from the picture). He loves his Yaddy most, but wants Mama when he is upset or tired. He loves toys, but empty boxes more, and he can't wait to get up and chase Luke. He is trying so hard to walk. (I need new running shoes for that).
Will is displaying more and more of his own personality and I LOVE that. He has been showing us that he wants his own way and that he has a little temper. Also, he is a lover and a snuggler!
He loves music, outside and the water, definitely traits from his Mama.
I love that I can see both of us in who he is and I have to say that this is my favorite stage so far.
My weekends have been invaluable lately. They have been busy, but that is nothing new. What is new is the amount of time that I am able to spend with my family. I seem to have a house full of little ones or be in a house full of little ones most of the time. I am constantly chasing babies, laughing my head off with my sister/cousin/friends. Life has been very stressful, so these moments of "oasis" are soooo much of blessing to me. OASIS! That is right. For many people, that means a quiet time, a time of rest and relaxation. Well, chasing babies, laughing, running around with m childhood friends, that is my oasis and I love it. Strange . . . yess I know. I've been that way all my life. Its just the way God made me, but at 31, I have learned to embrace who I am and I love my life.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
I don't normally like change and I try to avoid it at all cost. If you know anything about me, you know that I live through my heart. I am an emotional person. I can't stand for those around me to hurt and I can't stand circumstances that I can't help make better. My life has been full of change lately. One thing I know for sure is that my God doesn't change. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. I like that!
I am holding on for the blessings that usually follow the tides of change. I know they are coming!
On a positive note, I do like watching Will change. It is so fun! More on those changes to come.
I am holding on for the blessings that usually follow the tides of change. I know they are coming!
On a positive note, I do like watching Will change. It is so fun! More on those changes to come.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Hiding, hurting, healing
This is what is on my mind . . . it is random, it probably sounds like my mind is all over the place and it is, but this is what is in my head and its my blog, so out it comes:
Have you ever done something that you aren't proud of and hid it from others, especially the ones you love? Me too. Sometimes, we do things that are wrong and ugly and things happen in our lives that we aren't proud of, and we hide those things. I as hiding in the mud on the floor of a very deep valley for a while. Then, God reached out. (I wanted to say He "caim along", but that isnt true because He never left me.) He picked me up, dusted my back, cleaned by wounds, and helpeds me climb back on the mountain. And when I reached the mountain, I decided to NEVER look back or think of where I had been. I knew I was forgiven and redeemed and restored. I surely had no intention of telling anyone where I have been or what I have been through. Well, I have learned that sometimes, those very horrible life experiences that we go through are exactly what we need to share with others who are facing similar situations. So, I have decided to share some things that I never thought possible with someone that I love dearly, in hopes that she will be encouraged. She is hurting and I am hurting for her. Please say a prayer for my special friend. God knows the details and I will save a blog entry to post the praise report that is to come.
Have you ever done something that you aren't proud of and hid it from others, especially the ones you love? Me too. Sometimes, we do things that are wrong and ugly and things happen in our lives that we aren't proud of, and we hide those things. I as hiding in the mud on the floor of a very deep valley for a while. Then, God reached out. (I wanted to say He "caim along", but that isnt true because He never left me.) He picked me up, dusted my back, cleaned by wounds, and helpeds me climb back on the mountain. And when I reached the mountain, I decided to NEVER look back or think of where I had been. I knew I was forgiven and redeemed and restored. I surely had no intention of telling anyone where I have been or what I have been through. Well, I have learned that sometimes, those very horrible life experiences that we go through are exactly what we need to share with others who are facing similar situations. So, I have decided to share some things that I never thought possible with someone that I love dearly, in hopes that she will be encouraged. She is hurting and I am hurting for her. Please say a prayer for my special friend. God knows the details and I will save a blog entry to post the praise report that is to come.
Not blogging . . .
No I haven't been blogging. Yes, I have been in trouble for not blogging (Uncle Pat :)), but good gracious, don't you guys know what I have to do every day?
I wake up to a beautiful smiling baby boy. I have to play with him until I am almost going to be late to work. Then, off to work it is. Some days are easy and some are hard, but most are fun and I love my job, but I do still have to work and it is sometimes tiring.
Then, off to exercise (GASP! Dont pass out just yet . . . this has only been going on for a few weeks).
Then, home to play with my sweet baby boy and his awesome Daddy before bedtime, which is somewhere around 11 or 12.
Many days, I squeeze in visits with family and friends, little trips to the ball park (because I am getting ready to be that Mom), emails and phone calls to my sister and my Daddy and a lot of "I love you's".
I wake up to a beautiful smiling baby boy. I have to play with him until I am almost going to be late to work. Then, off to work it is. Some days are easy and some are hard, but most are fun and I love my job, but I do still have to work and it is sometimes tiring.
Then, off to exercise (GASP! Dont pass out just yet . . . this has only been going on for a few weeks).
Then, home to play with my sweet baby boy and his awesome Daddy before bedtime, which is somewhere around 11 or 12.
Many days, I squeeze in visits with family and friends, little trips to the ball park (because I am getting ready to be that Mom), emails and phone calls to my sister and my Daddy and a lot of "I love you's".
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Will's 6 Month Check Up
I took Will to see Dr. G for his 6 month check up today and what I already knew was confirmed. We have brochiolitis again. No shots for my little man. Instead, we are quaratined for at least 2 more day. He is one sick little fellow. Last night was very taxing and draining. He can not sleep for more than about 30 minutes for coughing or getting uncomfortable. On top of that, he has two teeth that have broken the gums A(one on top, one on bottom) and at least two more getting close. He is jsut pitiful and Mommy's heart aches for him.
I asked my friend and mom of three why she didn't tell me about the horrors of teething and she said you tell woman stuff like that. They wouldn't have kids.
Regardless of sick, the little guy is still growing by leaps and bounds. He weighed in at just shy of 20lbs and was 28 inches tall. That is the 90th percentile for both height and weight. I knew I wouldn't have small kids, but I wasn't expecting to have to look up to them at the age of five. At this rate, I better get stilts.
I asked my friend and mom of three why she didn't tell me about the horrors of teething and she said you tell woman stuff like that. They wouldn't have kids.
Regardless of sick, the little guy is still growing by leaps and bounds. He weighed in at just shy of 20lbs and was 28 inches tall. That is the 90th percentile for both height and weight. I knew I wouldn't have small kids, but I wasn't expecting to have to look up to them at the age of five. At this rate, I better get stilts.
March 21st
Sunday, March 2, 2010, Bill and I stood before a host of family and friends in our home church and dedicated William Raymond Blackburn, V to our God, the God of salvation and wonder who gave His only Son to die on the Cross for us! I am struggling to find the words to express what this means to me. God gave me the desires of my heart, though there is not one worthy bone in body. We love this precious baby with every ounce of our being. He has captured places of my heart that I did not know existed. He has cultivated a new love from Bill that is beautiful to watch. He has made us fall even more in love in a new exciting way. His little life has already been used to restore friendships and heal old wounds that he may never even know about. He is a living breathing example of a living breathing God. With Will's life, God gave us a great gift and responsibility. Bill and I made a covenant with God this Sunday that we will always point Will in the direction of salvation, that we will raise him in church, and that we will make our lives a living example of God's love.
Four years ago on this same date, we sat in the very same special church at the very same time and worshipped our God for the gift of my Mom. We praised God for her life and prayed for comfort for our loss and He provided. It hurts not to have her on special days. But, I believe that she was there with us this Sunday. I believe that God allowed her to see Will dedicated into his hands. I believe that she saw CJ, Luke and Will stand at the altar of that church where she found salvation. I believe that she sees Amy and I as Mommies and I believe that she is proud of us. I believe she taught us well.
And I believe that God has his hands on our family and is ready to do a mighty work in ALL of US! I am standing back and getting ready for what He has in store.
Four years ago on this same date, we sat in the very same special church at the very same time and worshipped our God for the gift of my Mom. We praised God for her life and prayed for comfort for our loss and He provided. It hurts not to have her on special days. But, I believe that she was there with us this Sunday. I believe that God allowed her to see Will dedicated into his hands. I believe that she saw CJ, Luke and Will stand at the altar of that church where she found salvation. I believe that she sees Amy and I as Mommies and I believe that she is proud of us. I believe she taught us well.
And I believe that God has his hands on our family and is ready to do a mighty work in ALL of US! I am standing back and getting ready for what He has in store.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
My sweet precious husband is 34 years old today. We started dating when he was 18. Where has the time gone? We have had some great moments, some hard moments and through it all, some blessed moments! I am so amazingly blessed to have Bill as a husband. Happy "very special birthday week" Bill! I realize I am more in love with you today than ever before!
Almost 6 months
What a big boy! Will is almost 6 months old and boy is he growing and changing. He has mastered the art of eating baby food and loves it. He loves sweet potatoes, carrots, peas, green beans, and fruit. He HATES squash ! I didn't know babies could hate food, but trust me, he does. The first time he ate squash, he got sick. Last night, we tried again and he actually screamed and had a fit every time I put it in his mouth. The boy is opinionated, that's for sure.
He is sitting up by himself now and loves to play in the floor. I am afraid I will have a mobile kid soon . . . that terrifies me. I like knowing where he is all the time. My new favorite sound is his laugh. He gets so tickled at things and I get tickled at him. He still loves "swimming" in the tub and playing with his toes. And he LOVES his Daddy. You should see his little eyes light up when he sees Bill walk in the room.
Did I mention how incredibly precious his toes are? What about his tee-niny hiney? What about his little ears? He is perfect and I fall in love all over again with him every day.
We are absolutely fearfully and wonderfully made, and I am pretty sure Will is perfectly made as well.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Busy . . . .Blessed
I've been too busy living to stop and blog about life, but tonight I thought I would take a moment to catch up. I wanted to say that I am a blessed woman. I am a blood bought sinner saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. I am wife to the most patient, kind, fun-loving man I have ever met and he loves me in a way I can't even understand; I am mommy to the happiest, sweetest most precious baby boy ever; and I am loved and cared for by an amazing group of family and friends. (I even have an amazing dog). I have a great, fun job; an terrific boss; a cute little house with a lot of history and loved poured into it; a car that runs; food in the pantry; and a little money in the bank. We don't have the most or best of everything, but I honestly can't think of anything I want or need. Like I said, I am a blessed woman and today, on Valentine's Day, I am in love with the life God has provided for me!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Will is changing and learning new things every day. New on our list for the last week is rolling our lips to make a "pssttthhhh" noise, playing with our toes (or his toes) and laughing, really laughing, out loud. He is also slobbering like crazy which makes me think we have teethies on the way. Oh how they grow so fast. I was looking at Luke this weekend and thinking I was just watching him play with his toes, and now he is telling me about colors and toys and saying "love you too". Each stage is awesome and I find myseld falling more in love with this little guy everyday.
Joy . . .
Day 14: Joy came when I had lunch with my sweet boss, Missy who is one of the most encouraging people I know.
Day 15: Joy comes from my family and on this day from spending time with Memaw and Papa and Grandma Deb and Will.
Day 16: Joy came when god sent healing from my migraine headache. I have been suffering with them for three weeks off and on and was so thankful when it stopped hurting Friday.
Day 17: Girl's day with my awesome sister, Aunt Lynda, Christi, Inga, Jen, Grace, Shelby, and Luke and Will. Yes, they fit in and what a wonderful day full of joy.
Day 18: Joy came from playing with Bill and Gracie and Will and screaming like little kids :) Also, visiting with Angela, Amanda and the kids was wonderful as well. We are so blessed with out awesome family.
Day 15: Joy comes from my family and on this day from spending time with Memaw and Papa and Grandma Deb and Will.
Day 16: Joy came when god sent healing from my migraine headache. I have been suffering with them for three weeks off and on and was so thankful when it stopped hurting Friday.
Day 17: Girl's day with my awesome sister, Aunt Lynda, Christi, Inga, Jen, Grace, Shelby, and Luke and Will. Yes, they fit in and what a wonderful day full of joy.
Day 18: Joy came from playing with Bill and Gracie and Will and screaming like little kids :) Also, visiting with Angela, Amanda and the kids was wonderful as well. We are so blessed with out awesome family.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Day 13
Day 13: My joy was found in holding my brand new baby cousin this morning. Cameron Jason Hubka was born on Saturday morning. He is just perfect and of course, beautiful, because our family doesn't make ugly babies. Mommy and baby are both doing well and Daniel and Nathan are so excited about thier new addition. I can't wait for Luke, Nathan, Will and Cameron to play together (with C.J. and Gracie and Shelby)!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Will is Four Months Old
HOLY COW BATMAN! Where did the time go? How could he be four months old? I just held him, just kissed his nose and toes, just held his little hand for the first time - yesterday it seems. But then, somehow, life without him seems so distant. Being a Mommy is all encompassing. I wake up and think about what he is doing, I go to bed longing to hold him five more minutes each day, I force myself to put him in his "big-boy" bed instead of in my room next to me. I can't wait to get home to him and his daddy in the evenings . . . to see them snuggling on the couch or "talking" to each other. He is learning new things everyday. He laughs, and smiles, and plays with little toys, rolls over, and listens to music and is learning to grab hold of things. We tell him he is our "big boy" and he laughs out loud. He is so much fun. I think I always knew I would like being a Mommy. I always knew it would be a lot of hard work and I always knew it would be rewarding on so many levels, but I never knew it would be so much fun.
We went to see Dr. Goldsmith for our 4 month checkup this morning. Will is 26 1/4 inches and 17 pounds. He is in the 90th percentile on height and weight and is perfect! Of course, check ups = shots, so he isn't feeling that well this evening, but I am sure he will be back to his smiley self tomorrow.
We went to see Dr. Goldsmith for our 4 month checkup this morning. Will is 26 1/4 inches and 17 pounds. He is in the 90th percentile on height and weight and is perfect! Of course, check ups = shots, so he isn't feeling that well this evening, but I am sure he will be back to his smiley self tomorrow.
Joy Challenge
Day 10: I found joy on Friday while being silly with sweet friends at lunch. What a time of renewal to sit around and laugh and act like we're 15 again! I learned a lot of useful information about chickens, and eggs and neing southern :) This will require another post.
Day 11: Joy came when I went on a date with my husband. After 10 years of marriage, it is still wonderful to watch a movie and hold hands with Bill. God truly blessed me with such an awesome partner to share in this journey.
Day 12: What a wonderful morning . . . I love walking into to church with my family and I love having enough family there to almost fill an entire row. Now, if I can just get my sister there with me, that would be double joy.
Day 13: Waking up on a Monday morning and realizing I get to spend the day with Will brought great joy to me. Anytime I get extra time with Will and Bill is awesome!
Day 11: Joy came when I went on a date with my husband. After 10 years of marriage, it is still wonderful to watch a movie and hold hands with Bill. God truly blessed me with such an awesome partner to share in this journey.
Day 12: What a wonderful morning . . . I love walking into to church with my family and I love having enough family there to almost fill an entire row. Now, if I can just get my sister there with me, that would be double joy.
Day 13: Waking up on a Monday morning and realizing I get to spend the day with Will brought great joy to me. Anytime I get extra time with Will and Bill is awesome!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
More Joy!
Day7: Joy came when I ate lunch with a dear sweet friend and we talked and laughed. I think this is the kind of friendship Jesus wants us to have with Him. It is easy, not over-complicated, nothing required, just the desire to be together.
Day 8: Joy was all over me all day! I woke up happy (and early -GASP), enjoyed my morning with my sweet baby, and had a great day at work. I think I realized I was covered in joy, when I took my lunch hour and spent time knitting (I know, right?). What a relaxing few minutes in a busy day.
Day 9: Joy came to me today when I spent a few minutes talking to Bill on the way to work. He is my best friend, my rock, my better half and I LOVE that he WANTS to tell me "good morning" or "have a good day".
Day 8: Joy was all over me all day! I woke up happy (and early -GASP), enjoyed my morning with my sweet baby, and had a great day at work. I think I realized I was covered in joy, when I took my lunch hour and spent time knitting (I know, right?). What a relaxing few minutes in a busy day.
Day 9: Joy came to me today when I spent a few minutes talking to Bill on the way to work. He is my best friend, my rock, my better half and I LOVE that he WANTS to tell me "good morning" or "have a good day".
Monday, January 11, 2010
Joy Comes in the Morning Days 4, 5, 6
Day 4: Joy came when I got to spend a whole day with my family and my cousins on Saturday. What an awesome day to sit around and talk and visit! This is the kind of thing that I live for, the kind of day that makes my soul smile.
Day 5: Joy came when I walked into church on Sunday morning with my wonderful hubby and my awesome baby and got to sit beside my sweet Grace and precious Shelby and Aunt Linda. My cup runneth over! After church, we went to eat lunch with Grandma Deb, then got to visit with Aunt Amy, then later with Grandaddy and Uncle Dan. Then, Bill cooked us an awesome dinner.
Day 6: Joy came to me this morning with the beautiful sunshine. I LOVE the sunshine and it makes my heart happy to walk out into it on a Monday morning (or any morning).
Day 5: Joy came when I walked into church on Sunday morning with my wonderful hubby and my awesome baby and got to sit beside my sweet Grace and precious Shelby and Aunt Linda. My cup runneth over! After church, we went to eat lunch with Grandma Deb, then got to visit with Aunt Amy, then later with Grandaddy and Uncle Dan. Then, Bill cooked us an awesome dinner.
Day 6: Joy came to me this morning with the beautiful sunshine. I LOVE the sunshine and it makes my heart happy to walk out into it on a Monday morning (or any morning).
Friday, January 8, 2010
Joy Comes in the Morning - Day 2 and 3
Ok, I said I would find something every day that brings me joy . . . I didn't say I would actually make it to the computer to blog about it every day (but I will try).
Day 2: The beauty of the snow brought me joy today. God is an awesome artist! The snow brings such a sense of peace as it is falling and I love it.
Day 3: Joy litterally comes in the morning when sweet Will is cooing and laughing when he wakes up. I don't know about other people, but I can't imagine a better alarm clock.
Day 2: The beauty of the snow brought me joy today. God is an awesome artist! The snow brings such a sense of peace as it is falling and I love it.
Day 3: Joy litterally comes in the morning when sweet Will is cooing and laughing when he wakes up. I don't know about other people, but I can't imagine a better alarm clock.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Joy Comes in the Morning!
I have received an indirect challenge from my cousin's blog. I will strive for the next 40 days to find one new/different thing every day that brings me joy. I focus too much on the negative things that happen around me and that is not the Spirit of Praise that a child of the King should have. For the next forty days, I will search for the joy in my day.
I am driven to this today after 4 days of sickness in our home. Normally, I would complain about how horrible it was and how awful we all felt . . . but today is my first day to find joy. So here we go:
Day 1 of 40: I find joy in healing. I often complain when myself or my family is feeling badly, but rarely offer Praise when we feel well. God heals us when Satan attacks us with sickness. Today I find joy in the God of healing.
I am driven to this today after 4 days of sickness in our home. Normally, I would complain about how horrible it was and how awful we all felt . . . but today is my first day to find joy. So here we go:
Day 1 of 40: I find joy in healing. I often complain when myself or my family is feeling badly, but rarely offer Praise when we feel well. God heals us when Satan attacks us with sickness. Today I find joy in the God of healing.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Baby Will has been attacked . . .
by a horrible stomach bug. It is evil I tell you. Nobody should be subjected to the dreaded stomach virus, but espcecially not a baby! Sweet little guy, he just smiles and loves on us, but he does want his Mommy. I am finally convinced that he KNOWS I am his Mommy. . . and that he needs Mommy when he doesn't feel well. I hate that he is sick, but my heart melts that he wants needs me. We are praying him through this and waiting on a better day tomorrow.
Its a New Year, Time for a New Me!
Ok, maybe not totally a new me, but maybe an improved me. These are my ten new goals for this year:
1. Get healthy and stay that way.
2. Sleep less. I can sleep when I am old, but I want to enjoy life now.
3. Spend more time with family and friends.
4. Learn to cook 12 things really well.
5. Spend less money and save more.
6. Clean (really clean) and unclutter one room a month.
7. Play more, especially outside.
8. Go to church and read the Bible routinely.
9. Play with and read to Will every day, and enjoy every second of it.
10. Date my husband and maintain the awesome relationship God has given us.
I like New Years. It gives us all a chance to start over and "do" life better. God has blessed us well beyond what we deserve and I fully intend to appreciate those blessings this year.
1. Get healthy and stay that way.
2. Sleep less. I can sleep when I am old, but I want to enjoy life now.
3. Spend more time with family and friends.
4. Learn to cook 12 things really well.
5. Spend less money and save more.
6. Clean (really clean) and unclutter one room a month.
7. Play more, especially outside.
8. Go to church and read the Bible routinely.
9. Play with and read to Will every day, and enjoy every second of it.
10. Date my husband and maintain the awesome relationship God has given us.
I like New Years. It gives us all a chance to start over and "do" life better. God has blessed us well beyond what we deserve and I fully intend to appreciate those blessings this year.
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