Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Beach thus far

Well this week has had a lot of unexpected little adventures.  Little man was a little fussy coming down and we notices a new little tooth peaking out from under his gums.  Then, about half way down, I noticed a little fever with that tooth (I hate teething).  I dismissed it as just teething issues, but was a little worried since he has not really gotten well since two weeks ago when we had the croup.  Also on the way down, Bill started feeling puny.  I dismissed it (outwardly) but was starting to feel like this may not be the fairytale family vacation that I had planned.  We did get to have wonderful dinner with my Uncle Frank and Aunt Kim that evening despite the drama of the day.
By the time we got here, Will's fever was up and baby Tylenol was given along with bib boy Tylenol for Bill.  The next morning, Bill was feeling pretty bad, and Will had been up and down most of the night.  We stayed inside most of the day, which was not a problem because there was a torrential downpour here.  By that evening, Will and Bill were both sporting a hefty fever and Mommy made the executive decision to head to the Doc in the Box.  Thank Goodness.  Will has a bad ear infection along with the oncoming tooth and Bill has a bacterial infection requiring antibiotics.  Needless to say, not exactly what I had in mind. 
The thing is, Bill is such a good daddy and no matter how badly he was feeling, he was just worried about Will not feeling well and me not having a good time.  Will is such a good baby, he has been in a relatively good mood, even though his little ear and mouth hurts. 
Monday, we spent about thirty minutes at the beach.  Tuesday, Bill and Will slept most of the day, and I spent some time on the sand with a book.  That afternoon, we headed to the pool for a little while with Aunt Lindsey and Mimi. Today, we spent most of the day on the beach and had a perfect, awesome time. 
We are here with Grandaddy, Chelle-Belle, Uncle Scott, Daniel and Lindsey and tonight Jeromy, Jessica and Ryleigh came in.  I can't wait until tomorrow.

Here is a sweet picture from yesterday:

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