Monday, August 30, 2010

Patty Cake Anyone

At the beach, Chelle Belle taught Will how to clap his hands or "patty cake".  We love this and now clap for everything.  I know Bill and I look like a bunch of ding-dongs clapping all the time, but Will loves it.
Well, yesterday at church, the choir finished singing and everyone clapped.  I wish I had my camera, because Will looked at me with eyes as big as saucers as if to say, "All these people are playing patty cake with me"! 
I just love this kid.

A dear friend

This past week, our family lost a dear friend. Mr. Bruce was my dad's best friend for as long as I can remember.  He had been principal of our high school and was a great man, but that isn't how I knew him.  I knew him as my Dad's hunting buddy, a die hard Alabama fan with a love for dogs that surpassed mine.  He always had a smile on his face and a joke.  He and my Dad were like brothers, always messing with each other, trying to best one another and always there when they needed each other.  I guess the things that I will remember most about him was his encouragement to do better than your best, to try something news and to be a blessing to others.  He encouraged my wonderful nephew C.J. to pursue football, and I know C.J. will never forget Mr. Bruce pushing him to succeed. 
My heart hurts for Mrs. Charlotte, his wife, and Becky his daughter.  I know the pain they are going through and I hate that anyone else has to feel that.  We will miss his wonderful friendship.  We will miss his hearty laugh and smile.  I know that he is celebrating in Heaven with Jesus.  I know that he and mom are already messing with each other there and I know that I will see him again, but until then I will pray for peace for all that miss him.
We love you Mr. Bruce!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Beach thus far

Well this week has had a lot of unexpected little adventures.  Little man was a little fussy coming down and we notices a new little tooth peaking out from under his gums.  Then, about half way down, I noticed a little fever with that tooth (I hate teething).  I dismissed it as just teething issues, but was a little worried since he has not really gotten well since two weeks ago when we had the croup.  Also on the way down, Bill started feeling puny.  I dismissed it (outwardly) but was starting to feel like this may not be the fairytale family vacation that I had planned.  We did get to have wonderful dinner with my Uncle Frank and Aunt Kim that evening despite the drama of the day.
By the time we got here, Will's fever was up and baby Tylenol was given along with bib boy Tylenol for Bill.  The next morning, Bill was feeling pretty bad, and Will had been up and down most of the night.  We stayed inside most of the day, which was not a problem because there was a torrential downpour here.  By that evening, Will and Bill were both sporting a hefty fever and Mommy made the executive decision to head to the Doc in the Box.  Thank Goodness.  Will has a bad ear infection along with the oncoming tooth and Bill has a bacterial infection requiring antibiotics.  Needless to say, not exactly what I had in mind. 
The thing is, Bill is such a good daddy and no matter how badly he was feeling, he was just worried about Will not feeling well and me not having a good time.  Will is such a good baby, he has been in a relatively good mood, even though his little ear and mouth hurts. 
Monday, we spent about thirty minutes at the beach.  Tuesday, Bill and Will slept most of the day, and I spent some time on the sand with a book.  That afternoon, we headed to the pool for a little while with Aunt Lindsey and Mimi. Today, we spent most of the day on the beach and had a perfect, awesome time. 
We are here with Grandaddy, Chelle-Belle, Uncle Scott, Daniel and Lindsey and tonight Jeromy, Jessica and Ryleigh came in.  I can't wait until tomorrow.

Here is a sweet picture from yesterday:

Sunday, August 15, 2010

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We are here . . .

The day hasn't gone exactly as planned.  Will is teething and has had fever most of the day and it has rained buckets.  That sounds really bad, but I AM AT THE BEACH!  I look out the windows and see God's most beautiful artwork and here his lullaby to us through the waves.  I am at peace here.  I know Will is going to feel better and I will get to see him play in the sand and swim this week.  So today, I accept the opportunity for a day to sit around in my PJ's all day and spend time with our family.  Life is Good Today!

Will's first day at the beach and he loved it!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Looking up

I have heard all of my life that you have to be knocked completely on your back to look up and accept God for who He is.  I am a living testimony to the fact that this works, but I don't think it has to be that way.  God is there and if we accept that with childlike faith, we will have someone holding us up during hard times. 
That being said, this last month has been hard.  We learned that our dear Papa has bone cancer.  For two weeks, he went back and forth to the Dr. and every time, he got worse news.  I do not like the reality that as we get older, news such as this comes much more frequent, but it does.  I am happy to say that Papa is taking radiation and chemo treatments and is feeling much better.  He has the most beautiful spirit of anyone I know and he is a fighter with an amazing faith.  I am thankful to have him in our lives and most thankful that my little boy has the opportunity to know and learn from him.  He is a gift, and I fully expect a miracle to allow us to have him for many years to come.

In the midst of that news, we had to make the decision to put Will in daycare.  Before this, he stayed with a beautiful family of girls three days a week and Memaw and Papa the other two.  This was a devastating decision for me, even though I knew he would be fine, I was heartbroken.  He went a whole day and a half before he became terribly sick (not from the daycare).  He fights infant reflux and it had flared up, making his whole stomach and esophagus and throat raw and irritable where he would not eat or drink.  (FYI - Will weighed 24 lbs) We started medicating for that and he spiked a fever, which turned into the croup.  Three Dr.'s appointments in one week, lots of tests, and parents who were exhausted and worried filled our week.  BUT, he is better.  We re-started daycare on Monday and so far so good.  He seems to like it and has adjusted without near the trauma that Mama has had.  The little guy has taught me so many lessons about being joyful all the time, no matter how you feel.  Even on his worse day last week, he would try so hard to laugh and play.  He is a gift, he will do just fine in daycare, where he is loved and learning every day and I will get used to it.

Also last week, my sweet neighbor's sister had something go terribly wrong in her brain and is in a devastating situation. She has two children and they expect her to meet the Lord soon. Summer, my neighbor, is being very brave in the face of this, but my heart hurts for her.  She is a rock of faith and I know they are leaning on God and He will provide.  What happen to the days when we were 14 and we heard about this stuff, but never close to home!

So, lost of things going on in our lives . . . but that is why I chose to title this "Looking up".  I will lift my eyes to the Lord, where my help comes from.  He is my refuge and fortress in times of trouble.  He will carry me.  Even in the midst of storms, times of uncertainty and sadness and the horrible things that this fallen world has to offer, there is beauty and hope in Jesus. 

Dear . . .

Dear sandy beaches,
I long for you.  I can not wait to feel your warm caress on my feet, to hear God's beautiful love song created with water and waves, to see the glory and beauty that you have to offer, to feel the relaxation that can only come when I am near you.  I am giddy with excitement and expectation of wonderful days with family, of new adventures with my baby boy, of holding hands with my husband, of visiting friends and family that I dont get to see very often.  I am overjoyed with a place away from stress and work and being pulled in ten directions at every moment.  I am ecstatic with the opportunity to make memories that will last a lifetime. 
It has been too long and I have truly missed you, but I will see you in two days.
Love your friend and admirer,