Thursday, October 28, 2010


Last Friday, I got to go watch my little buddy, my sweet CJ play his first varsity football game.  The score didn't come out exactly like I wanted, but you wouldn't have known that from my screaming and yelling in the stands.  I am a devoted fan, and a huge fan of my CJ.  That boy makes me proud.  He got to play the last quarter of the game.  I could have burst with excitement when that kid ran out on the field.  He was AWESOME
He is a well mannered, kind young man that wants to please and help everyone.  He is also a darned good football player (maybe not quite so kind on the field, I wouldn't want to line up against him for sure) and I can't wait to make this an every week event.  Not so long ago, he was my "little buddy".  He is still my buddy and I couldn't be more thrilled to call him my nephew and my friend.
Tomorrow, I get to do it again.  I will be the loud mouth lady in the stands screaming at the Minor Tigers for 4 hours and I can't wait.

Papa is 83!

Happy Birthday to the best Papa in the wolrd.  On the 23rd of October, we celebrated Bill's Papa's 83rd birthday with lots of family.  We had lunch at the Bright Star.  Sunday, we all spent the day at Memaw and Papa's continuing the celebration.  Papa is an amazing example of a life of Holiness and we love him so much.  This last year was trying, but we are claiming healing and fun for Papa's 83rd year of life. 

We love you sweet Papa!


Lots and lots going on in the B household.  Will went to the Dr. last week for a checkup at 13 months.  He was 31.5 inches and 24.5 pounds and doing well, except those dadgum ears.  So I took him to the ENT on Monday.  It was a slightly traumatic experience for me.  He did not want to be there from the second we walked in. To explain just how bad he wanted to leave, he refused to play in the toy room, tore up the papers I had to fill out, stole my pen, wrote on me and him (and maybe the beautiful mural on the wall, although I will not confirm that).  We then sat peacefully while Dr. L checked his ear, but when he turned the light on to look in Will's nose . . . MELTDOWN.  Then we had a hearing test.  The lady talks, Will hears her, turns his head and sees little stuffed animal that claps in a box behind us. Cute, huh.  He thought so for about two seconds, then changed his mind and  . . .MELTDOWN.  This one was complete with pulling my hair.  Next, we need to do a pressure test on his ears.  This entails a little earplug that makes a little nose.  No pain involved.  Well, not so much.  She put the thing in Will's ear and turned it on and  . . . MELTDOWN!  REALLY HUGE MELTDOWN complete with climbing onto my head, pinching my arms, pulling my hair.  I mean freaking out, people.  Well, we left the room of terror, and went back to the exam room and talked to Dr. L, and learned that we will be getting tubes in a few weeks.  They tell me it will be "no big deal".  They did not go home that night with ink all over them, disheveled hair and bruises from tiny little fingers.
I will say this, he was an angel the rest of the day just like he normally is.   

LIFE . . . IS . . . PRECIOUS

That is what is on my heart right now.  Last week, someone who was a dear friend of mine years ago, died in a tragic car accident.  Our lives went separate paths what seems like a whole lifetime ago, but I have many beautiful memories of silly teenage years, lots of fun, lots of fussing, lots of laughing, lots of goofy decisions, lots of life.  I wasn't a picture taker back then.  When I learned of this tragedy, I realised that I don't have any documentation of our friendship . . . just memories and they are precious.  You see, life is precious.  Although we were no longer sharing our lives with one another, she was sharing her life with four beautiful babies.  I don't know much else about the situation but this, she was their mommy, some one's sister, some one's friend, and she didn't have the opportunity to tell them goodbye or a last "I love you".  Again, life is precious.  It is not guaranteed.  Tomorrow may not come here on this earth, so I challenge you and myself:
  • Hug those you love and TELL THEM every chance you get
  • Be there more, go out of your way to see, call, check on people who are close to you or people who might need you.
  • Be kind to others . . . you have no idea what they are going through, and a smile goes a long way
  • Get your spiritual life in order RIGHT NOW.  Live for the KING OF KING's TODAY.  Know the salvation and eternal promises and life promised from JESUS and ACCEPT HIM as your SAVIOR.  Don't fake it.  Don't pretend and don't think just because you are a good person, you are covered.  You must be a blood bought sinner saved by the GRACE of CHRIST to make it to HEAVEN.  If you aren't, ask someone to pray with you and become one NOW.  There is nothing in life more important that your salvation and you are not guaranteed tomorrow to perfect it.
  • Do more, help more, hug more, kiss more, hold hands more often, smile more, slow down a little  and enjoy the blessings around you.  If you don't see God's blessings in your life, CHANGE YOUR LIFE, include HIM. 
  • If you are a Christian, tell someone else about Jesus.  Let HIM use your life to build HIS kingdom. 
I'm told not two weeks ago my friend had very real encounter with the Lord.  She said, "The weight of the world is off my shoulders.  I now know how much God loves me." Although I am sad she is gone, I am so very, very thankful for this knowledge and that her children will be told one day that she found the Lord.

Again, life is precious. ETERNITY IS EVERYTHING. 


Wednesday, October 6, 2010


This was a gift from Lindsey when Will was on his way.  I have it framed in his room, but I took the time to read it again today and reflect on what a blessing, what a miracle we have been given.

Baby Will

What a wonderful world.

I can see it in the skies.

Look into the Heavens.

Look into his eyes.

I am sure he is just perfect.

A miracle so it seems.

My heart skips a beat.

Because He has chosen me.

Little did we know.

A gift was on its way.

Christ answered our prayers.

Knowing we needed this day.

But I can't believe it's almost time.

Until the day we meet.

Ready as we will ever be.

Now our family will be complete.