Lots and lots going on in the B household. Will went to the Dr. last week for a checkup at 13 months. He was 31.5 inches and 24.5 pounds and doing well, except those dadgum ears. So I took him to the ENT on Monday. It was a slightly traumatic experience for me. He did not want to be there from the second we walked in. To explain just how bad he wanted to leave, he refused to play in the toy room, tore up the papers I had to fill out, stole my pen, wrote on me and him (and maybe the beautiful mural on the wall, although I will not confirm that). We then sat peacefully while Dr. L checked his ear, but when he turned the light on to look in Will's nose . . . MELTDOWN. Then we had a hearing test. The lady talks, Will hears her, turns his head and sees little stuffed animal that claps in a box behind us. Cute, huh. He thought so for about two seconds, then changed his mind and . . .MELTDOWN. This one was complete with pulling my hair. Next, we need to do a pressure test on his ears. This entails a little earplug that makes a little nose. No pain involved. Well, not so much. She put the thing in Will's ear and turned it on and . . . MELTDOWN! REALLY HUGE MELTDOWN complete with climbing onto my head, pinching my arms, pulling my hair. I mean freaking out, people. Well, we left the room of terror, and went back to the exam room and talked to Dr. L, and learned that we will be getting tubes in a few weeks. They tell me it will be "no big deal". They did not go home that night with ink all over them, disheveled hair and bruises from tiny little fingers.
I will say this, he was an angel the rest of the day just like he normally is.
from experience, the ear pressure test does hurt!! i had it done a few years ago!!! :( poor thing.