Father's Day came and went, and I forgot to talk about my "other" dad. Bill and I started dating when I was 15. We took a break for a while, but have been together for almost 15 years straight. Over the years, I have built a relationship with my father in law. He is the most laid back, easy going man I have ever met. He is full of fun all the time and always really busy. He is a beach lovin', golf playing, dad who is a sucker for his girls. I have always loved him, but a few years ago, I realized just how much he loves me. Bill and I went through a "valley". A BIG VALLEY. We were both at rock bottom and in a rough place. My sweet father in law just happened to get called into the thick of it all. He held my hand, cried with us, prayed for us, and was just there. I won't share all of the details, but I can tell you that his encouragement, patience, love and help made an impact in my life that I will never, ever forget. His love changed my future. Bill is just like his Daddy in a lot of ways. They are good men. The best men. I am so thankful that Will has such a great example from his Daddy and his Grandaddy. I am thankful to have "the other Bill" in my life. So, before Father's Day week is gone, I want to say thank you "big Bill". I don't tell you enough, but you are a blessing and I love you.
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