Friday, September 25, 2009


Yesterday, we had our newborn pictures made. I can't wait to be able to share them. I know they are beautiful because, well, Will is! He did so good and slept most of the time. Last night we had a little scare. He had some swelling on his "privates" and has had blisters caused by diaper rash on his hiney. I called the nurse and they wanted to see him FIRST THING this morning and wanted us to watch for any fever through the night. Being new parents, we were scared by the urgency and stayed up most of the night with him. We never put him down and checked his temperature all night long. It was fine. We went to the Dr. this morning and it is just swelling due to his little "procedure" last week. It is fine. We got new meds for his hiney and should be fine. The Dr. was worried about the blisters, but said they are just from the acid in his system.
Anyway, all that to say we have a healthy baby boy. He now weighs 8 lbs 1 oz! We are smitten with him and can not get enough of him.
Tonight, I sat here and watched as Bill talked to Will and loved on his, playing peek-a-boo. I must say that I am thoroughly in love with two people now!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

One week old

Baby Will is one week old today! What a week it has been. We came home from the hospital on Thursday. Grandaddy came to help us bring home all of our goodies (you would have thought we were there a month!). Grandma Deb and Memaw and Papa came over when we got here and loved on our baby. They brought us ham, mac and cheese, deviled eggs, and green bean casserole. Definitely better than hospital food. Mrs. Penny came to visit later in the evening. We had a great night. Baby Will slept right beside his Mommy and Daddy and it was wonderful!
Grandaddy and Granny Michelle brought Lucy home on Friday night. She was really excited to be home and very interested in Will. She is doing great with him and lets us know if he is unhappy. She doesn't like it when he cries and she gets up everytime he does. I think she is exhausted.
The rest of the week, we have had lots of visitors and calls from people who love and care for us. Pappa (my Dad) came over and finally got to spend some time with the little man. I think he might love him already. Memaw and Papa brought us another wonderful meal on Friday. Amy, CJ and Luke came over Friday night and it was great to have all the boys together. We enjoyed it very much. On Saturday night, after a long day of loving on Will and visiting, Grandma Deb stayed through the Auburn game and kept an eye on Will while Mommy and Daddy napped. Usually, I am screaming at the television during an Auburn game, but I don't even think I knew who was winning most of the night.
Missy, Marc, Claudia and Kayleigh brought us an awesome dinner on Sunday night. We have enjoyed visiting with all of our friends and family and have certainly enjoyed every second of having our baby boy home. What a dream come true!
We went to the Dr. on Friday and Sunday mornings to have Will's jaundice levels checked. He is doing great now and we don't have to go back until he is 2 weeks old.
Today, we give thanks and praise to the God of wonder and majesty! Today, I reflect on my baby boy coming into this world and I know that we saw the mighty hand of God at work!

Remembering the Best Day Ever

Tuesday was the best day of my life! After going to the Dr. Monday morning and learning that my fluid levels were dropping, we had several tests on Mr. Will and learned that we would welcome him into the world on Tuesday. We checked out of the hospital Monday afternoon and went home to gather our bags. I visited my Dad in the hospital to share the news. We got Lucy and headed out around 4:00 PM. We visited with Memaw and Pappa and ate a little dinner. We then went to Amy and Corey's for a few minutes and headed to Grandma Chelle's. We dropped Lucy off anf headed to the hospital We checked into the hospital at 8:00 PM on September 14, 2009. At 11:00 PM the nurses gave me medication to get my body ready for labor. At 1:00 AM on September 15, 2009, we received the second dose of that medication. At 3:00 AM, I woke up and thought my back was hurting. I was having contractions every 2 mintues. They checked me and there had been no change. We sat around and tried to rest. At 5:00 AM, my water broke on its own and I was 1-2 CM. Now I knew I was in labor. No questions. At 6:15, we were at 3 CM and waiting on the epidural. Full Labor = WOW. I got my epidural around 7:00 AM and the rest of the morning was a breeze. At 8:15, we were at 6 CM and moving right along. By 10:15, we were at 9 CM. They checked me again at 11:00 AM and started the laboring down process. We had lots of visitors and guests during this time frame and other than being tired, we were SO EXCITED. I started pushing at 11:55 and Baby Will was born at 12:27 AM. If pregnancy were as easy as labor and delivery and God had seen fit, I would have 10babies. This was the most wonderful process and experience of our lives. When Dr. Sharp held up the baby, I would not believe it! We were finally Mommy and Daddy and he is perfect. God is still in the miracle business. After 8 1/2 years of people telling us "maybe its not meant to be", we are celebrating God's Will for our lives.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Welcome to the World

William "Will" Raymond Blackburn V
Was born September 15, 2009 @ 12:27
He weighed 7 lbs 13 oz and was 21 inches long
Everyone is doing great and Baby Will is PERFECT!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Baby Will on the way

It is 11.30 on Mon night, and after a hectic day we(mel and I) are finally settled in at room 335 of the north tower @ ST. V's downtown. The good doctors have seen fit to inducing Mel @6.00 am. They tell us that Will will be here by midafternoon, so lots of prayers are needed fior mommy and baby, i will update periodically throught the day tom.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Post I - Baby Will and Mommy Update from August

So, it has been a while since I posted and thought today of all days might be appropriate just to update everyone on the everyday excitement that is my life. (Unfortunately, this will take several posts to catch up on everything)
First of all, I was diagnosed with Cholestasis of Pregnancy which is basically a malfunction in my liver that causes me to itch uncontrollably and can cause problems for the baby late in pregnancy. I have had good days and bad since this started. Some days have been wonderful and blessed and a time of just looking forward to being a mommy. Some days have tested my very ability to function and made me wonder if I am really cut out to do this. On those days, I have to remember, that not I, but Jesus, can do anything through me. Bill and I are trying hard to Trust in the Lord and lean not on our own understand, but sometimes, my "big head" gets right in the way of faith. Those days, I have a rotten stinkin' attitude. I hope my little one is not picking up on that. :) I am off work until the baby gets here and praying daily that God will send him as soon as he is healthy enough to come. We have been getting biophysical scans of Will since this started and he still looks completely healthy, Praising God for good days and bad. The bad days serve to remind me to call out to Him in our time of need because He is always there. The good days remind me that He is there, He is in control and if He can will die on a cross to save my sould fromt he very depths of Hell, He will answer our prayers and protect our baby!