Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Sister. Friend. Supporter. Cohort in Crime. Mamie to my son.  Sharer of my childhood and dreams. Stand-in mom. Rock of our Family. Mine.
I am the baby.  Therefore, there are no memories without her.  My whole life includes her. 
Dancing in our panties in the rain, sharing the Strawberry Shortcake room, giggling ourselves to sleep, holding hands on Christmas morning, playing on the whirly-bird, swimming, softball, cheering, school, band, working together, playing hard, long nights planning concerts, midnight shopping the day after Thanksgiving, The Dove Awards.  Holding hands and welcoming our babies into this world. Crying, laughing, hurting, helping.
She encompasses all of these things to me.  Every birthday, every death, every hardship, every celebration, every loss and every new life.  She has been right here.
Having a sister is one of the greatest gifts anyone could have, but having a sister like Amy is the GREATEST.  It is a blessing to call her sister, it is an HONOR and PRIVILEGE to call her my friend.
So, on this her very special birthday week, I celebrate my sister, my blessing, my friend. 
God, please bless Amy with the same joy and happiness that she has and continues to bring into my life.
Amy, I love you most!

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