Thursday, July 7, 2011
Oh! To be blessed. . .
I am a blessed woman. You see, I have lived in hell on earth while putting on a face for the world. I have been in the midst of sin so large that I thought I would never find a road out. I have allowed hurt, pain, anger and disappointment to open a foot hold for Satan to work in my life. I am not proud of those days. Those days haunt me today, but I have learned an important lesson recently. You see, I was the prodigal son. And, just as Jesus told me He would, He was waiting with open arms to welcome me back into the fold. Not only did he welcome me back, but he restored my life, my soul, my purpose here on this earth AND gave me blessings beyond my wildest dreams. I can not begin to express the vast difference from where I was and where I am now. I do know this, the day He reached down and pulled me out of the pit of despair, He robed me in white, clean and blameless before Him. He also taught me that I must extend unconditional, loving forgiveness to others to show the same love that Christ shows me. There has never been a better example of grace than the personal example that I have received. You see, I KNOW Jesus. He is my friend. He lives in my heart. He loves me. He chose me. He died to forgive me. He would have died just for me. Oh, how blessed I am.
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Mommy-Me Baby
Will is learning new things every single day. He is so funny and so full of personality (that is what I say for hard headed and strong-willed). The little guy knows what he wants, and has not yet learned patience. He is learning to talk a little more and words like "mine" "stop" and "no" have found their way into his vocabulary. I must say that I would much rather play with him than discipline him, but I am learning. I did tell him he was getting a spanking the other night, and he ran to me, hugged my legs, and said, "hey Mommy, me baby. . . Mommy's baby". Now you tell me how to discipline anyone after that!
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Monday, June 27, 2011
I'll Never Forget
Saturday, Bill, Will and I made an impromptu visit to the zoo. We were very excited to see the new exhibits and elephants, but the best part happened right as we pulled into the parking lot. Tp preface this, you have to understand that Will calls Bill "Mamma" most of the time. That is usually followed by a little chuckle. He knows Bill is his Daddy, but loves teasing him. Not this time As we pulled up at the zoo, our sweet baby announced, "Daddy! I'm your big guy!" Talk about watching a grown man melt. Since we brought Will home from the hospital, Bill has called him "big guy". There has never been a daddy love their son more than Bill loves his mini-me, and to see that love reciprocated was beautiful and perfect. Will may not remember this in a few years, but I promise Bill nor I will ever forget.
As a side note, Will did not love the elephants like I do, but he wanted more giraffes. He kept saying "I want mores".
Oh and one more little note: we asked Will if he wants Mommy and Daddy to have a baby so he can have a brother or sister. He said "NO! Me baby!"
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Monday, May 9, 2011
On April 8, 1998, my life was forever changed. An EF5 tornado swept through my Aunt and Uncles town, leaving their home ruined, along with many others, and lives were lost. This was my first look at total and complete devastation in my 19 years. It was also the first time that I really witnessed the body of Christ working together to rebuild hope in others. I honestly thought it would be the last time I would ever see such a thing. Boy, was I wrong.
On April 27, 2011, I saw devastation like none other when a mile wide tornado wiped out my precious home town. The place that I have always called home and plan to call home forever. Everything that I have known my whole life is now changed. Lives were taken. Many, many more were spared by the loving hands of the Father. God had started preparing me for this the morning before the storm. I will recount my day sometime, but know this: His hands were covering my family that whole day.
After the storm, I saw friends mobilize immediately to start helping others. I saw people go out into a very dangerous situation to hold hands with those who had lost everything. I saw a dear friend go out into the rain to nurse those that were hurt. I saw friends walk miles out of the rubble to get to safety. I saw many friends sift through rubble of what is left of their homes, while being genuinely concerned about helping their friends and neighbors. I saw men get their chain saws out and work all night to clear roads for first responders.
Since that day, our little city is still in ruins, but oh the love and kindness that has been poured out on us. God has lavished us with his love through the body of Christ in ways I have also never seen. People are in need, and the needs are being met, often by strangers with a servant's heart.
My loss was minor, but the gain I have is amazing. My family, my friends, my neighbors, my co-workers have all been by my side, wiling and ready to rebuild our little city. My heart is abundantly, overflowing with gratitude. Thank you just doesn't say enough. Thank you isn't big enough to tell my God how Great He is. Thank You doesn't express my heart when complete strangers are giving their everything to help others. I am humbled. I stand amazed. I hope I never, ever forget this feeling or forget the special bond that this tragedy has given the children of God. I pray that more people will join the Kingdom of believers, and that out of these ashes beauty will rise.
For He has held us fast and kept us safe, until the storm passed us by!
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On April 27, 2011, I saw devastation like none other when a mile wide tornado wiped out my precious home town. The place that I have always called home and plan to call home forever. Everything that I have known my whole life is now changed. Lives were taken. Many, many more were spared by the loving hands of the Father. God had started preparing me for this the morning before the storm. I will recount my day sometime, but know this: His hands were covering my family that whole day.
After the storm, I saw friends mobilize immediately to start helping others. I saw people go out into a very dangerous situation to hold hands with those who had lost everything. I saw a dear friend go out into the rain to nurse those that were hurt. I saw friends walk miles out of the rubble to get to safety. I saw many friends sift through rubble of what is left of their homes, while being genuinely concerned about helping their friends and neighbors. I saw men get their chain saws out and work all night to clear roads for first responders.
Since that day, our little city is still in ruins, but oh the love and kindness that has been poured out on us. God has lavished us with his love through the body of Christ in ways I have also never seen. People are in need, and the needs are being met, often by strangers with a servant's heart.
My loss was minor, but the gain I have is amazing. My family, my friends, my neighbors, my co-workers have all been by my side, wiling and ready to rebuild our little city. My heart is abundantly, overflowing with gratitude. Thank you just doesn't say enough. Thank you isn't big enough to tell my God how Great He is. Thank You doesn't express my heart when complete strangers are giving their everything to help others. I am humbled. I stand amazed. I hope I never, ever forget this feeling or forget the special bond that this tragedy has given the children of God. I pray that more people will join the Kingdom of believers, and that out of these ashes beauty will rise.
For He has held us fast and kept us safe, until the storm passed us by!
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Saturday, March 19, 2011
Wish You Were Here
It's been five years since I saw my mom. Five years since I heard her voice or had her say "I love you, baby. Five years since she was here to tell me "I'm proud of you" or "it will be ok". Oh how I miss her loud voice, her fun smile, her silliness. I keep reminding myself she's had five years with Jesus, without pain, walking streets of gold with her mon and dad, singing in a heavenly choir. I wouldn't take her away from that even if I could, but I sure do miss her here.
I know I will see her again one day. If there are holes in the floor of Heaven, I know she is looking down on us and knows everything about Dad and Amy and me and our boys. Mom is probably laughing at us when we get flustered or are unsure of our parenting skills saying, "you should have raised girls." or "just remember how many kids I raised at one time".
What a blessing my mom was to so many people! What a blessing she was and still is to me. Everyday I call upon things that she taught me. Oh, how I miss her, but then again I carry her in my heart everyday!
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I know I will see her again one day. If there are holes in the floor of Heaven, I know she is looking down on us and knows everything about Dad and Amy and me and our boys. Mom is probably laughing at us when we get flustered or are unsure of our parenting skills saying, "you should have raised girls." or "just remember how many kids I raised at one time".
What a blessing my mom was to so many people! What a blessing she was and still is to me. Everyday I call upon things that she taught me. Oh, how I miss her, but then again I carry her in my heart everyday!
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What A Blessing
On March 15th, we celebrated the arrival of a precious new nephew. Judson James Hall came into this world a little after 2pm and was 6lbs 13 ounces and 20 inches or pure beauty. Mr. Judson had some fluid in his little lungs so he is being loved on at the NICU for a little while. Although this isn't exactly how we planned his arrival, we know he is in God's hands and can't wait to get our hands on him. Congratulations to Jessica, Jeromy and Ryleigh on a sweet addition to your sweet family. We are blessed to have each one of you in our lives.

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Monday, March 14, 2011
2011 Here I Am
We have had a lot going on in the Blackburn household in 2011. 2011 is flying by and I am having a hard time keeping up, or at least documenting it. My sweet baby boy will be 1 1/2 years old tomorrow. He is growing and changing everyday and is so smart and loving. He recently had his tonsils and adenoids taken out and was a trooper. Bless his little heart, he got sick right afterwards but he is doing great now.
As a matter of fact, surgery has been the word of the year. Will had surgery, Grandaddy had surgery, Amy had surgery and Grandma is scheduled for a procedure next week. Thankfully, everyone is recovering or has recovered and we know that God will keep his hands on Grandma too. Even with all of this going on, I have learned to Praise God for doctors and nurses that seek his guidance, and for good health. If you ever have any doubt how blessed you are, go to Children's hospital for a couple of days. We are blessed!
In the midst of all of the caregiving, we did manage to celebrate Luke's 4th birthday and Bill's 35th birthday. we love our sweet Luke and the funny little guy he is becoming. As for Bill, I am more blessed than ever to call him mine and thank God for the man he has given me to share this journey with.
Life is good. God is Great! And if he is willing, I will document the rest of this year better than I have the first part.
As a matter of fact, surgery has been the word of the year. Will had surgery, Grandaddy had surgery, Amy had surgery and Grandma is scheduled for a procedure next week. Thankfully, everyone is recovering or has recovered and we know that God will keep his hands on Grandma too. Even with all of this going on, I have learned to Praise God for doctors and nurses that seek his guidance, and for good health. If you ever have any doubt how blessed you are, go to Children's hospital for a couple of days. We are blessed!
In the midst of all of the caregiving, we did manage to celebrate Luke's 4th birthday and Bill's 35th birthday. we love our sweet Luke and the funny little guy he is becoming. As for Bill, I am more blessed than ever to call him mine and thank God for the man he has given me to share this journey with.
Life is good. God is Great! And if he is willing, I will document the rest of this year better than I have the first part.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Christmas! December and the Events that hold us together as family
Yes, its February and yes, I'm blogging abvout Christmas, but what a Christmas it was. Did you know that being a Mommy at Christmas is the most exciting thing in the world. Did you know that giving gifts and showing love and sending cards and getting to see my family thrills my soul? Did you know that I have the most amazing husband, son, family, in-laws, nephews, niece, neighbors, and friends? Even my dogs are awesome. I am blessed beyond my wildest dreams. I deserve no blessings, and yet God piles them into my life with amazing love. Life is good. Christmas was great.
As previously blogged, the holiday season was kicked off with our annual Burfitt family reunion. The next weekend was supposed to be Christmas Village with my best girlfriends, but the stomach virus attacked my family so that was out. Then we dove into Thanksgiving, family pictures and some little tubes in my little buddies ears. I need to blog about this seperately, because it was an experience for sure. November flew by and Thanksgiving with Amy, Corey, CJ, Luke and Daddy was a memorable one for sure. (more to come on my sweet Luke too).
On to December! Oh how I love December. Christmas decorations, baking goodies for my family and friends, cards in the mail, laughter, cold weather, warm hearts, snuggling my hubby and little buddy, shopping, excitement. . . Oh Christmas, I LOVE CHRISTMAS! December brings lots of fun. The first event of the month is my CJ's birthday. This year, his 15TH! Holy Cow Batman! CJ is 15, has a driving permit and looks like a grown man. He is amazing and I am so proud of the young man that he has become. We celebrated his birthday at my house. Bill cooked shrimp and we ate until we couldn't move, then we played the Wii and danced until I couldn't laugh anymore, then we ate ice cream cake until we all were sick. It was great.
The second big event was the Parkin family party. We all visited at Aunt Cathy and Uncle Pat's house. The annual once a year visit. There was a house full, with Cathy Pat, Bradley, Brandon, Stephanie, Buddy, Anita, Lauren, Melanie, Jason, Sarah, Stacie, Amy, Corey, CJ, Luke, Bill, Will and me. (I am naming everyone so when I am old, I will be able to look back and remember who all we celebrated with). Dad didn't make it and was missed, but we had a great time. The Parkin family party can be summed up in two words - FOOD and FUN! I look forward to this every year. Did I mention I love traditions?
The next big event is Christmas Eve at Aunt Lynda and Uncle Dan's house. We started that morning with a trip to the mall with Grandma Deb and the day was perfect. We shopped and laughed and ate Japanese on Christmas Eve (and Will bit a bruise on my arm at the restaurant). We ended the day with a hundred people in Sylvan Springs eating enough food for 500. We have tons of wee ones in our family now and it rocks. We spent a good portion of the night running outside to see if Santa was coming on the firetruck. HE FINALLY CAME. Cany ou believe it? Santa took time out on Christmas Eve to ride a firetruck and throw candy to us.
We went home with a tired baby and tired Mommy and Daddy. My little man passed out and Bill and I sat around and talked. I did read the Christmas Story from the Bible to Will, even though he was sleeping. I will make sure that we enjoy that tradition every year for as long as I am breathing. I mean, it is why we are celebrating and it is kind of a big deal that Jesus was born.
On a side note, Did you know that sometimes the elves and Santa don't put all the toys together and this can cause marital strife when they are delivered on Christmas Eve and Mommy and Daddy have to do it?
Grandma and Memaw and Papa got to our house before 7 and we had to wake the little guy up. He was very confused when he went to the living room and had visitors, but super excited as alaways to see them. It took him a while to even notice that he had gifts under the tree. He was a little overwhelmed all of the attention, new things and excitement first thing in the morning. I am not a morning person and neither it takes him a minute to get going too. He loved his basketball goal and tool table. He wasn't sure of Chuck the Rumbling Truck once it started moving on its on, but he loves it now.
I cooked Christmas Dinner for our family and the day was filled with visitors. Grandaddy came to visit, then PawPaw, the Amy, Corey, CJ and Luke came and we ate dinner together. Then the neighbors came for a visit. There was no nap on Christmas Day, but boy was it fun. Oh, and one more thing, IT SNOWED! My first snow on Christmas in 32 years and it was perfect. Thank you Lord!
The final festivity for Christmas was the day after when we loaded up and went to Uncle Jeromy and Aunt Jessica's house for dinner. Grandaddy and Chelle Belle were there, with Uncle Daniel, Aunt Lindsey and of course, sweet Ryleigh. We got more gifts, ate more, laughed more and had a great time. Will got a rocking horse from Grandaddy and Chelle Belle and it is his favorite Christmas prize.
So there is two months worth of blogging. WOW! Surely one day, I will get this baby int he bed before 11 at night and be able to blog again as events unfold. Either way, this is my journal our memories and I don't want to miss anything. One day, Will can tell his children about our family traditions and hopefully he will remember how important holding on to those things and the people who love you truly it.
As previously blogged, the holiday season was kicked off with our annual Burfitt family reunion. The next weekend was supposed to be Christmas Village with my best girlfriends, but the stomach virus attacked my family so that was out. Then we dove into Thanksgiving, family pictures and some little tubes in my little buddies ears. I need to blog about this seperately, because it was an experience for sure. November flew by and Thanksgiving with Amy, Corey, CJ, Luke and Daddy was a memorable one for sure. (more to come on my sweet Luke too).
On to December! Oh how I love December. Christmas decorations, baking goodies for my family and friends, cards in the mail, laughter, cold weather, warm hearts, snuggling my hubby and little buddy, shopping, excitement. . . Oh Christmas, I LOVE CHRISTMAS! December brings lots of fun. The first event of the month is my CJ's birthday. This year, his 15TH! Holy Cow Batman! CJ is 15, has a driving permit and looks like a grown man. He is amazing and I am so proud of the young man that he has become. We celebrated his birthday at my house. Bill cooked shrimp and we ate until we couldn't move, then we played the Wii and danced until I couldn't laugh anymore, then we ate ice cream cake until we all were sick. It was great.
The second big event was the Parkin family party. We all visited at Aunt Cathy and Uncle Pat's house. The annual once a year visit. There was a house full, with Cathy Pat, Bradley, Brandon, Stephanie, Buddy, Anita, Lauren, Melanie, Jason, Sarah, Stacie, Amy, Corey, CJ, Luke, Bill, Will and me. (I am naming everyone so when I am old, I will be able to look back and remember who all we celebrated with). Dad didn't make it and was missed, but we had a great time. The Parkin family party can be summed up in two words - FOOD and FUN! I look forward to this every year. Did I mention I love traditions?
The next big event is Christmas Eve at Aunt Lynda and Uncle Dan's house. We started that morning with a trip to the mall with Grandma Deb and the day was perfect. We shopped and laughed and ate Japanese on Christmas Eve (and Will bit a bruise on my arm at the restaurant). We ended the day with a hundred people in Sylvan Springs eating enough food for 500. We have tons of wee ones in our family now and it rocks. We spent a good portion of the night running outside to see if Santa was coming on the firetruck. HE FINALLY CAME. Cany ou believe it? Santa took time out on Christmas Eve to ride a firetruck and throw candy to us.
We went home with a tired baby and tired Mommy and Daddy. My little man passed out and Bill and I sat around and talked. I did read the Christmas Story from the Bible to Will, even though he was sleeping. I will make sure that we enjoy that tradition every year for as long as I am breathing. I mean, it is why we are celebrating and it is kind of a big deal that Jesus was born.
On a side note, Did you know that sometimes the elves and Santa don't put all the toys together and this can cause marital strife when they are delivered on Christmas Eve and Mommy and Daddy have to do it?
Grandma and Memaw and Papa got to our house before 7 and we had to wake the little guy up. He was very confused when he went to the living room and had visitors, but super excited as alaways to see them. It took him a while to even notice that he had gifts under the tree. He was a little overwhelmed all of the attention, new things and excitement first thing in the morning. I am not a morning person and neither it takes him a minute to get going too. He loved his basketball goal and tool table. He wasn't sure of Chuck the Rumbling Truck once it started moving on its on, but he loves it now.
I cooked Christmas Dinner for our family and the day was filled with visitors. Grandaddy came to visit, then PawPaw, the Amy, Corey, CJ and Luke came and we ate dinner together. Then the neighbors came for a visit. There was no nap on Christmas Day, but boy was it fun. Oh, and one more thing, IT SNOWED! My first snow on Christmas in 32 years and it was perfect. Thank you Lord!
The final festivity for Christmas was the day after when we loaded up and went to Uncle Jeromy and Aunt Jessica's house for dinner. Grandaddy and Chelle Belle were there, with Uncle Daniel, Aunt Lindsey and of course, sweet Ryleigh. We got more gifts, ate more, laughed more and had a great time. Will got a rocking horse from Grandaddy and Chelle Belle and it is his favorite Christmas prize.
So there is two months worth of blogging. WOW! Surely one day, I will get this baby int he bed before 11 at night and be able to blog again as events unfold. Either way, this is my journal our memories and I don't want to miss anything. One day, Will can tell his children about our family traditions and hopefully he will remember how important holding on to those things and the people who love you truly it.
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