Monday, May 9, 2011


On April 8, 1998, my life was forever changed. An EF5 tornado swept through my Aunt and Uncles town, leaving their home ruined, along with many others, and lives were lost. This was my first look at total and complete devastation in my 19 years. It was also the first time that I really witnessed the body of Christ working together to rebuild hope in others. I honestly thought it would be the last time I would ever see such a thing. Boy, was I wrong.
On April 27, 2011, I saw devastation like none other when a mile wide tornado wiped out my precious home town. The place that I have always called home and plan to call home forever. Everything that I have known my whole life is now changed. Lives were taken. Many, many more were spared by the loving hands of the Father. God had started preparing me for this the morning before the storm. I will recount my day sometime, but know this: His hands were covering my family that whole day.
After the storm, I saw friends mobilize immediately to start helping others. I saw people go out into a very dangerous situation to hold hands with those who had lost everything. I saw a dear friend go out into the rain to nurse those that were hurt. I saw friends walk miles out of the rubble to get to safety. I saw many friends sift through rubble of what is left of their homes, while being genuinely concerned about helping their friends and neighbors. I saw men get their chain saws out and work all night to clear roads for first responders.
Since that day, our little city is still in ruins, but oh the love and kindness that has been poured out on us. God has lavished us with his love through the body of Christ in ways I have also never seen. People are in need, and the needs are being met, often by strangers with a servant's heart.
My loss was minor, but the gain I have is amazing. My family, my friends, my neighbors, my co-workers have all been by my side, wiling and ready to rebuild our little city. My heart is abundantly, overflowing with gratitude. Thank you just doesn't say enough. Thank you isn't big enough to tell my God how Great He is. Thank You doesn't express my heart when complete strangers are giving their everything to help others. I am humbled. I stand amazed. I hope I never, ever forget this feeling or forget the special bond that this tragedy has given the children of God. I pray that more people will join the Kingdom of believers, and that out of these ashes beauty will rise.
For He has held us fast and kept us safe, until the storm passed us by!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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