Sunday, August 16, 2009

Being Still. . .

So, for the last few days, I have been grounded by the Dr. until my blood levels come back. I have spent a lot of time thinking and even more time complaining about not being able to do what I want to do. Then tonight, as I looked around my home, I realized that there are many times in life when all I want to do is sit at home and do nothing. I think the problem is that no one wants to be told what we can or can not do. However, tonight my sweet Saviour reminded me that I am doing exactly what has been the desire of my heart for many years. I am allowing our precious sweet son to grow and mature until the day that we meet him. I am trusting my God to protect him and all I have been asked to do is "Be Still" and know that He is God! Tonight, I will spend the remainder of my time being humbled and grateful by God's amazing faithfulness. I will Praise Him for my precious husband who has been more supportive than anyone could ever ask. I will Praise Him for our growing baby boy. I will Praise Him for the amazing family and awesome friends that surround us. I will be ever grateful for a God that sent His only son to die for our sins, so that we could boldly ask and receive forgiveness. I will lift my hands and heart to the God of my Salvation for the opportunity to teach my own son about the love of Christ Jesus! I will BE STILL!

1 comment:

  1. I know how you feel! I always wish for time to be still and stay at home and then when I am grounded by illness I complain. You have given me a new perspective on the words, Be Still. I love you!
