For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Today, my baby boy has been growing for twenty nine weeks. Each day, each week is such a milestone in our lives. Bill and I stand in amazement every time we hear his precious heartbeat or feel him move. Reaching this milestone has me reflecting on God's wonderful faithfulness. I have to admit that there were plenty of times that I lost all hope that we would ever be parents. There was even a time when I thought I understood "why". I really think the only reason I kept going through the fertility treatments was because I wanted to feel like I was "trying" and I didn't want to admit failure. What I realized today is that my God heard my prayers and my God doesn't know failure! That is where this verse comes into play. God already knew his plan for us and for this child. He knew what twists and turns our lives would take before we got to this point and He knows what our future holds. God is fervent in every promise that He makes to us and I am utterly overwhelmed by His love.
As I look toward the future and raising this precious child, I find myself excited and thrilled with the opportunity to teach Will the love of Jesus and the power of God! What an awesome responsibility and challenge.
Thank you Father for the plans you have for us.
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