Sunday, February 14, 2010

Busy . . . .Blessed

I've been too busy living to stop and blog about life, but tonight I thought I would take a moment to catch up.  I wanted to say that I am a blessed woman.  I am a blood bought sinner saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.  I am wife to the most patient, kind, fun-loving man I have ever met and he loves me in a way I can't even understand; I am mommy to the happiest, sweetest most precious baby boy ever; and I am loved and cared for by an amazing group of family and friends. (I even have an amazing dog).  I have a great, fun job; an terrific boss; a cute little house with a lot of history and loved poured into it; a car that runs; food in the pantry; and a little money in the bank.  We don't have the most or best of everything, but I honestly can't think of anything I want or need.   Like I said, I am a blessed woman and today, on Valentine's Day, I am in love with the life God has provided for me!